Ole Peter Galaasen – Lifeboat News: The Blog https://lifeboat.com/blog Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 31 Jul 2018 19:18:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 XTPL ultra-precise Nanometric Printer receives Honorable Mention at Display Week 2018 I-Zone https://lifeboat.com/blog/2018/07/xtpl-ultra-precise-nanometric-printer-receives-honorable-mention-at-display-week-2018-i-zone Sat, 28 Jul 2018 17:01:38 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2018/07/xtpl-ultra-precise-nanometric-printer-receives-honorable-mention-at-display-week-2018-i-zone

Closing in on molecular manufacturing…

http://xt-pl.com received an honorable mention from I-Zone judges for its innovative product that prints extremely fine film structures using nanomaterials. XTPL’s interdisciplinary team is developing and commercializing an innovative technology that enables ultra-precise printing of electrodes up to several hundred times thinner than a human hair – conducive lines as thin as 100 nm. XTPL is facilitating the production of a new generation of transparent conductive films (TCFs) that are widely used in manufacturing. XTPL’s solution has a potentially disruptive technology in the production of displays, monitors, touchscreens, printed electronics, wearable electronics, smart packaging, automotive, medical devices, photovoltaic cells, biosensors, and anti-counterfeiting. The technology is also applicable to the open-defect repair industry (the repair of broken metallic connections in thin film electronic circuits) and offers cost-effective, non-toxic, flexible industry-adapted solutions.

XTPL’s technology might be the only one in the world offering cost-effective, non-toxic, flexible, industry adapted solution for the market of displays TFT/LCD/OLED, integrated circuits (IC), printed circuit boards (PCB), multichip modules (MCM); photolithographic masks & solar cells market.

XTPL delivers also solutions for research & prototyping including printing head, electronics, software algorithms which are the core of the system driving the electric field and the assembly process of nanoparticles implemented in XTPL’s Nanometric Lab Printer. It is a device that offers necessary functionalities to test, evaluate and use XTPL line-forming technology with nanometric precision and enables positioning of the printing head with micrometric resolution precisely.

Official video explaining XTPL’s technology: https://youtu.be/WMerzxzCXuw

Filmed at the I-Zone demo and prototype area at SID Display Week, the world’s largest and best exhibition for electronic information display technology.

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