Lilia Lens-Pechakova – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 30 May 2022 18:23:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 When it Comes to Human Extinction, We Could Be Our Worst Enemy and Best Hope Mon, 30 May 2022 18:23:36 +0000

Human extinction? It could happen, but it doesn’t have to.

COVID-19 — Natural Antivirals and Immune Boosters Sun, 19 Apr 2020 05:42:21 +0000 Natural antiviral and immune boosters (elderberry, curcumin, echinacea, quercetin etc), a new practical guide by Forever Healthy Foundation: “… We identified 50 natural substances and mixtures recommended for preventing infection with SARS-CoV-2 or lessening the severity of symptoms of COVID-19. As there hasn’t been enough time for the scientific community to conduct clinical trials on the effects of any of the compounds on SARS-CoV-2, we chose to recommend substances with established safety that have shown strong antiviral/immunomodulatory effects in previously conducted clinical trials or clinical practice.

This resulted in a final recommendation for 8 natural compounds, 4 that have shown activity against other coronaviruses and that have strong immunomodulatory effects (see Recommended Based on Scientific Literature) along with 4 further compounds that have traditionally been used for prevention/treatment of viral infections with a long record of efficacy and safety (see Recommended Based on Clinical Practice).

Additionally, we found there is some supporting evidence for 23 more substances, discussed in the Potentially Useful section…”…/101057620

This Practical Guide is part of Forever Healthy’s “Maximizing Health” initiative that s eeks to holistically review the world’s leading medical knowledge on various health-related topics and turn it into actionable information.

Special thanks are extended to the whole team at Forever Healthy and all of our collaborators for their friendly contributions.

World must prepare for biological weapons that target ethnic groups based on genetics, says Cambridge University Fri, 06 Dec 2019 20:42:38 +0000

Biological weapons could be built which target individuals in a specific ethnic group based on their DNA, a report by the University of Cambridge has warned.

Researchers from Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) said the government was failing to prepare for ‘human-driven catastrophic risks’ that could lead to mass harm and societal collapse.

In recent years advances in science such as genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous vehicles have opened the door to a host of new threats.

Founders: A wonderful news on the creation of an organisation, Academy for Health and Lifespan Research, founded by the giants in aging and healthy life extension research: … Sun, 04 Aug 2019 09:22:43 +0000

Inaugural Academy for Health and Lifespan Research (AHLR) …towards achieving the goal of not just accelerating longevity research, but making sure that its implications are accessible to all…”

The Academy is comprised of an elite group of world-renowned researchers, scientists and clinicians, all united toward making breakthroughs in longevity both accelerated & accessible.

“The Transhumanist wishlist” – what genes can be enhanced to give us super abilities Wed, 24 Jul 2019 11:02:29 +0000

On the Transhumanist Wishlist by Prof George Church, or the genes we have to change to enhance the human body and mind, a new post.

Here are some selections from the so-called Transhumanist Wishlist, drawing upon the philosophical movement of transhumanism that calls for using technology to enhance human physiology and intellect, leading to a transformation of what it means to be human:

How to live forever: meet the extreme life-extensionists Mon, 24 Jun 2019 12:42:25 +0000

A very good article on the life and ideas of life extensionists/immortalists/longevity’s: “… Strole is now 70. He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, a desert town. In the life-extensionist mode, he avoids dairy and rarely touches bread, though he devours a whole heap of other things. Recently his diet has included pills, branded ”Cognitive”, which he takes twice a day and claims have all sorts of nourishing effects on his brain. (What good is maintaining the body if not the mind?) The pills are part of a self-directed anti-ageing process that requires a lot of swallowing. On some days, Strole takes 70 supplements, including a tablet that ”energises the mitochondria” (mitochondria produce energy) and whose effects resemble ”a shot of coffee, minus the jitters”, as well as vitamins, multi-nutrients and metformin, a diabetes drug that has become so popular among life extensionists that one referred to it as ”the aspirin of anti-ageing”. In the early mornings, when the Arizona air is still brisk, he takes a cold dip in his pool to shock his immune system into better function, and at some point or another he lies face-up on an electromagnetic mat that whirs silently against his body and ”opens up the veins”, and engages in a breathing regime that, he says, ”balances the hormones”.

Some sleep on electromagnetic mats, others pop up to 150 pills a day. But are ‘life extensionists’ any closer to finding the key to longevity? Alex Moshakis meets some of the people determined to become immortal.

Boosting Levels of NAD+ May Make Senescent Cells More Aggressively Inflammatory Wed, 15 May 2019 08:22:44 +0000 On senescent cells, mechanism of interaction and (potential?!) side effects of NAD+ supplements. “… Those people self-experimenting with NAD+ precursor supplementation should consider keeping a close eye on markers of inflammation…”

Enhancing levels of NAD+ in mitochondria via delivery of various precursor compounds as supplements is growing in popularity as an approach to boost faltering mitochondrial function and thus modestly slow the progression of aging. A human trial demonstrated improved vascular function as a result of nicotinamide riboside supplementation, for example. Researchers here show that increased NAD+ will likely make worse the inflammatory signaling of senescent cells, however. Senescent cells accumulate with age, and are an important cause of the chronic inflammation of aging that drives the progression of many age-related diseases.

The results here suggest that efficient senolytic treatments to selectively destroy senescent cells should proceed any of the current approaches to raising levels of NAD+ in older individuals — and it is an open question as to whether any of the existing available options are efficient enough to make NAD+ enhancement safe in the longer term. Those people self-experimenting with NAD+ precursor supplementation should consider keeping a close eye on markers of inflammation.

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Senescent Cells as a Contributing Cause of Degenerative Disc Disease Thu, 18 Apr 2019 09:05:03 +0000 On the degenerative disk disease and senescent cells from FightAging: “… It is just a pity that so few older people know this at the present time — the hundreds of millions worldwide who are suffering when perhaps they need not be…”

At this point, I suspect it will surprise no-one who follows the field to learn that the accumulation of senescent cells is a significant cause of degenerative disc disease. The evidence from a mouse study that is provided in the open access paper here doesn’t quite rise to establishing that claim, but it is compelling nonetheless. Given the role of cellular senescence in arthritis, a disease of localized chronic inflammation, it is logical to also expect a role in the degeneration of intervertebral discs, as this is also a condition of aging in which inflammation seems important.

Senescent cells, even while present in only comparatively small numbers, generate a potent mix of molecules that spurs chronic inflammation and is destructive of surrounding tissue structure. Fortunately early senolytic compounds, those shown to destroy a sizable fraction of senescent cells cells in animal studies, are cheap and readily available to anyone willing to try this self-experiment. It is just a pity that so few older people know this at the present time — the hundreds of millions worldwide who are suffering when perhaps they need not be.

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Recently two new studies published in Current Biology explored the grandmothers effect on longevity, children’ survival, on age and distance Tue, 26 Feb 2019 15:23:59 +0000

There is a theory that humans’ long life spans and women’s long postreproductive lives, might be connected through the grandmother effect. “…An analysis of church birth and death records in Finland for individuals born between 1731 and 1890 showed that having a maternal grandmother between 50 and 75 years of age while a grandchild was 5 years old or younger increased the child’s survival… The second study … it’s not just the existence of a grandmother, but her proximity that matters. The shorter the distance between grandmother and grandchild, the more involved the grandmother can be and the more benefits that accrue to her daughter and grandchildren…” See More.

How Long Will We Live in 2069? Wed, 30 Jan 2019 19:02:24 +0000

A new, very good article on aging, modern aging research and its history, RAAD feest and other initiatives, on model organisms, genetics and future lifespans. “… In early December 2018, just a few months after RAADfest, I visited the Buck Institute for a daylong symposium titled “Live Better Longer: A Celebration of 30 Years of Research on Aging.” That wasn’t an arbitrary demarcation: Aging is one of the rare areas of modern science with a specific launch date. In this case, it was January 1988, when Tom Johnson, a behavioral geneticist at the University of California, Irvine, published a paper that linked a genetic mutation he named “age-1” to longer lifespans in a transparent, microscopic, mostly hermaphroditic roundworm known in scientific circles as C. elegans. Prior to Johnson’s discovery, aging had not received a lot of attention from researchers. In the 1820s, Benjamin Gompertz, a self-trained mathematician, concluded that humans don’t start to break down at some magic age but are constantly declining and losing the ability to repair themselves, a concept now referred to as the Gompertz law of mortality. The first hint that there might be a cellular mechanism underlying the aging process came more than a century later, in the 1930s, when two Cornell scientists discovered that rats kept on calorically restricted diets lived significantly longer than their more satiated brethren. But overall, the field was mostly known as being a haven for charlatans and quacks peddling immortality elixirs and other magical cures — a reputation that continued even after Johnson’s work was published…In 1993, Cynthia Kenyon, an assistant professor at the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that mutations on a different gene, called daf-2, caused C. elegans to live twice as long as expected. Several years later, Gary Ruvkun, a researcher at Harvard Medical School, showed that these so-called worm-aging genes were closely related to genes in the insulin-signaling system of humans. Around the same time, MIT’s Guarente and some of his colleagues discovered the first of several genes in yeast — which are also present in humans — linked to dramatically extended lifespan…”

With this promising research on the horizon, how long might humans live in the future? Fantastical claims to longevity have existed since the dawn of recorded time, but reliable data about maximum human lifespan only dates to the mid-1950s, when the Guinness Book of World Records began independently verifying claims. Even then, initially corroborated ages can end up disproven: On December 27, Russian researchers published a paper arguing that the current world record holder, a Frenchwoman named Jeanne Calment, who said she was 122 when she died in 1997, had stolen her mother’s identity and was actually 99 at the time.

Assuming Calment wasn’t a fraud, since 1955, 46 people have made it to age 115. Nine of them have made it to 117 — and only two, Calment and an American woman named Sarah Knauss, have made it past 117. (Knauss died in 1999 at age 119). Over that same time frame, just under 11 billion people have been alive. That means roughly .0000004204133 percent of people have made it to 115. You’re 79,333 times more likely to get hit by lightning than you are to live to 115; 22,455 times more likely to end up in the emergency room from a golf cart accident; and 11,817 times more likely to get murdered.

That’s why 115 to 125 is often used as a range for the maximum human lifespan. Some researchers believe that supercentenarians, similar to naked mole rats, are impervious to major age-related diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s until just before they die. If scientists can figure out how to disrupt the underlying mechanisms that cause our cells to age, the thinking goes, then supercentenarians will become as common as 80-year-olds are today.

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