Joaquín Alvira Enríquez – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 08 Nov 2023 17:22:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Solution To Complex Light Problem Shows That Time Can Only Go Forward Wed, 08 Nov 2023 17:22:22 +0000

Oh yea? I just learned the steps to copperhead road so… whatever.

Light is something in our world that we are very familiar with, and yet it can still throw some incredible curveballs when you look at it in detail. A newly discovered one comes from a pretty well-established phenomenon: what happens when light passes through an interface? That could be glass, water, or something completely different. The solution for that has long been established, but scientists have now found something weird going on in the middle.

As light goes through an interface, its speed changes. The solution for the behavior of light on one side of the interface or the other is the well-established standard wave equation. They can be linked with no problem (a piecewise continuous solution) but this still doesn’t explain what happens at the interface itself. There, the wave should experience an acceleration that is not accounted for by the current solution.

Now, an equation has been put forward in the case of a universe with one space dimension and one time dimension.

For The First Time Ever, Humans Have Bent Lightning Thu, 12 Oct 2023 15:22:27 +0000

For the first time, scientists have managed to deflect lightning, to the relief of anyone afraid of thunder and lightning storms but probably the chagrin of Zeus. They managed to show that lasers can act as virtual lightning rods, redirecting the direction in which bolts jump.

The Franklin lightning rod was a major scientific advance of its day, preventing millions of fires and electrocutions and demonstrating humanity’s capacity to control forces we had long feared as belonging to the gods. Nevertheless, it’s been 270 years, and it remains the basis of our lightning protection: maybe it’s time for an upgrade.

That is what Dr Aurélien Houard of ENSTA Paris and co-authors propose in a paper pubpished in Nature Photonics, demonstrating that laser pulses can change the direction of a lightning strike.

Russian cosmonauts board ISS wearing colours of Ukraine flag Sat, 19 Mar 2022 20:23:41 +0000

Trio appeared to get changed shortly before arrival at space station and one said every crew could choose their own suit.

Behold the 1st images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope! Sat, 12 Feb 2022 16:22:19 +0000

JW first light and selfie.

The team behind NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope released some of the first images from the much-anticipated observatory on Friday (Feb. 11), and while the photos aren’t exactly stunning, they mark a huge scientific milestone.

Comet Leonard Views from ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter Spacecraft Sat, 25 Dec 2021 22:22:48 +0000

Comet Leonard streaks across the field of view of the SoloHI telescope aboard ESA/NASA’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft on Dec. 17–19, 2021. The comet’s apparent backward movement is due to the spacecraft’s relative motion.

Credits: ESA/NASA/NRL/SoloHI/Guillermo Stenborg

Young visually impaired Southampton fans finally see football clearly thanks to Virgin Media Tue, 31 Aug 2021 17:22:18 +0000

Two young visually impaired Southampton fans were finally able to be mascots and watch their beloved Saints in action against Manchester United at the weekend thanks to life-changing wearable technology provided by Virgin Media.

Florence and Joshua both experience issues with their eyesight, meaning that they have never been able to clearly see their favourite team play. Back in March 2,020 Virgin Media gave them cutting-edge technology before they were due to take on the role of mascots for the game against Manchester City.

Article Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Mon, 16 Aug 2021 07:34:28 +0000

Congratulations to Dr. Emmanuel Ríos López and her co-advisor Dr. X’opher Añorve and to our collaborators, Dr. Hector Javier Ibarra Medel, the Dr. Mabel Valerdi, the Dr. Gabriela Ileana Tudorica Iacobuta and the lng. Physics. Joaquin Alvira Enriquez. Three generations of summer students (VICI): Alvira-Enriquez, Valerdi and Iacobuta. Three generations of PhD students: Añorve, Ibarra-Medel and Rios-Lopez.

In this work we analyzed a sample of 101 brilliant galaxies using a two-dimensional decomposition of the shallow shine. This work serves to explore the formation of galaxies and their relationship with the supermassive holes black houses in their cores. We fixed some errors that the original sample came dragging.

We are grateful to Prof. Thomas Jarrett and Dr. Chien Peng for helping us along the generation of the work. We are standing on their shoulders, Prof. generated the Large Galaxy Atlas and Dr. Peng gave us GALFIT the best software for galaxy 2D surface brightness analysis.

We appreciate the sponsorship of INAOE, Conacyt„ Academia Mexicana de Ciencias and the Verano de la Investigación Científica del INAOE.

IPCC climate report: Earth is warmer than it’s been in 125,000 years Mon, 09 Aug 2021 17:22:17 +0000

“The role of human influence on the climate system is undisputed.”

ClimateChange is widespread, rapid, & intensifying – IPCC.

Landmark assessment says greenhouse gases are unequivocally driving extreme weather — but nations can still prevent the worst impacts.

Starship is Stacked on the Super Heavy Booster. The Tallest Rocket Ever Built Mon, 09 Aug 2021 13:05:50 +0000

SpaceX achieved another milestone this week as the Starship and Super Heavy prototype were stacked and fully-integrated for the first time!

Once again, things are gearing up at SpaceX’s South Texas Launch Facility, located just outside the village of Boca Chica, Texas. In recent weeks, the aerospace community has been abuzz about the rollout and Static Fire test of the Super Heavy Booster 3 (B3) prototype. This was the first time a booster was tested, which will be responsible for launching the Starship to space in the near future. Since then, things have only ramped up some more.

First, there was the announcement on Aug. 2nd that the fourth Super Heavy prototype (the BN4) received a full complement of 29 Raptor engines and grid fins. This was followed on Aug. 3rd with news that BN4 was being moved to the launch pad and that the SN20 Starship prototype received a full six Raptor engines. On Aug. 6th, the denouement came with the stacking of both prototypes together, which resulted in the tallest rocket in the history of spaceflight!

Together, the integrated Starship stood around 120 meters (390 feet) tall, while the addition of the orbital launch stand increased that to 145 m (475 feet) – which is taller than the Pyramid of Giza (138.5 m; 454 ft). The stacking was the first time that the Starship and Super Heavy were fully integrated, a major milestone for the company that puts them one step closer to making an orbital flight test.

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