Ira S. Pastor – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 21 Feb 2025 13:28:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dr. Billy W. Loo Jr., MD PhD — Stanford Medicine / TibaRay — Curing Cancer In A Flash Fri, 21 Feb 2025 13:28:28 +0000

Curing Cancer In A Flash — Dr. Bill Loo, Jr., MD, PhD — Professor, Stanford Medicine / Co-Founder, TibaRay Inc

Dr. Billy W. Loo Jr., MD PhD ( is a Professor of Radiation Oncology, a member of the Stanford Cancer Institute, the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), and of Bio-X Interdisciplinary Biosciences Institute. He is a physician-scientist Radiation Oncologist and Bioengineer who directs the Thoracic Radiation Oncology Program and is Principal Investigator of the FLASH Sciences Lab at Stanford (

Dr. Loo’s clinical specialty is precision targeted radiotherapy for lung/thoracic cancers, including stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR). Dr. Loo is a recognized expert in thoracic cancers serving on multiple national committees (including as writing member or vice-chair) that publish clinical guidelines on the treatment of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies, particularly the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).

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Kevin Caldwell — CEO, Ossium Health — Health, Vitality And Longevity Through Bioengineering Wed, 19 Feb 2025 16:17:10 +0000

Health, vitality and longevity through bioengineering — kevin caldwell — CEO, ossium health.

Kevin Caldwell is CEO, Co-Founder & President of Ossium Health (, a commercial stage bioengineering company that leverages its proprietary organ donor bone marrow banking platform to develop stem cell therapies for patients with life-threatening hematologic conditions, organ transplant rejection, and musculoskeletal defects.

Mr. Caldwell built Ossium from a small startup into the clinical stage bioengineering company it is today, setting the company’s mission to improve human health through bioengineering and designed its platform-based model for cellular therapeutics development. He has led the company’s successful pursuit, negotiation, and execution of more than 50 business relationships, including 5 successful fundraisings and dozens of supply partnerships, clinical partnerships, and commercial contracts with biopharmaceutical companies.

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Dr. Amir Baniassadi, Ph.D. — Marcus Institute for Aging Research — Environmental Gerontology Sat, 08 Feb 2025 15:27:43 +0000

Environmental Gerontology & Vulnerability Science For Health And Well-Being — Dr. Amir Baniassadi, Ph.D. — Marcus Institute for Aging Research, Hebrew SeniorLife / Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Amir Baniassadi, Ph.D. is an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and an Assistant Scientist in Marcus Institute for Aging Research (https://www.marcusinstituteforaging.o… where he works on environmental impacts on health and well-being of older populations.

Dr. Baniassadi works on the impacts of ambient air temperature and air quality (both indoors and outdoors) on outcomes related to the health and well-being of physiologically and socioeconomically vulnerable populations. His research applies novel environmental modeling and measurement techniques along with remote and long-term physiological and functional monitoring of individuals to establish relationships between exposure and outcome variables of interest outside clinical lab settings. The ultimate goal of his research is to develop environmental interventions that optimize the environment for health and longevity of older adults.

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Yael Elish — CEO & Founder, StuffThatWorks — Crowdsourcing Treatments That Work Fri, 07 Feb 2025 14:03:54 +0000

Crowdsourcing treatments that work — yael elish — CEO & founder, stuffthatworks.

Yael Elish is CEO and Founder of StuffThatWorks (, a company that offers an online platform where people suffering from chronic diseases can share information to learn which treatments work best for their specific condition, based on the experience of their peers combined with a smart, AI-based crowdsourcing system.

A passionate entrepreneur with expertise in crowdsourcing and consumer-facing products, Yael was on the Waze founding team, where she drove the overall product strategy that led the company from User One to one of the world’s most notable crowdsourcing endeavours. She also co-founded eSnips and NetSnippet, and was part of the senior management team that took Commtouch to its successful NASDAQ IPO in 2000.

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Dr. Thomas Chen, MD, Ph.D. — CEO/CSO, NeOnc — Revolutionizing The Fight Against Brain Cancers Thu, 06 Feb 2025 13:04:20 +0000

Revolutionizing the fight against brain cancers — dr. thomas chen MD, phd, FAANS, — CEO/CSO, neonc technologies holdings inc.

Dr. Thomas Chen, MD, Ph.D. is Founder, CEO & CSO, and Board Director, of NeOnc Technologies (, a developer of a proprietary, patented platform technology that can potentially transport pharma-based therapeutics directly to the brain without the normal boundary restrictions imposed by the body’s Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB), providing patients with potentially more effective treatments.

NeOnc is developing a portfolio of treatments for brain cancer and other central nervous system (CNS) disorders.

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Dr. Christopher Stubbs, Ph.D. — Harvard — Big Projects To Solve Pressing Issues In Science Thu, 30 Jan 2025 15:32:27 +0000

BIG Projects To Solve Pressing Issues In Science — Dr. Christopher Stubbs, Ph.D. — Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Harvard University.

Dr. Christopher Stubbs, Ph.D. is the Samuel C. Moncher Professor of Physics and Astronomy, and has recently served as the Dean of Science in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, at Harvard University (

Dr. Stubbs is an experimental physicist working at the interface between particle physics, cosmology and gravitation. His interests include experimental tests of the foundations of gravitational physics, searches for dark matter, characterizing the dark energy, and observational cosmology.

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Steve Rader — Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation / Tournament Lab, NASA Tue, 28 Jan 2025 03:27:22 +0000

Harnessing The Power Of The Crowd To Solve Important Problems — Steve Rader — Program Manager — Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation & Tournament Lab, NASA.

Steve Rader ( /) serves as the Program Manager of NASA’s Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation (CoECI — and the NASA Tournament Lab (NTL —…), which are working to infuse challenge and crowdsourcing innovation approaches at NASA and across the federal government. CoECI focuses on the study and use of curated, crowdsourcing communities that utilize prize and challenge-based methods to deliver innovative solutions for NASA and the U.S. government.

In 2015, Steve was named as one of 20 Challenge Mentors for U.S. Government Services Administration’s (GSA) Prizes and Challenges government-wide community of practice. Steve has worked with various projects and organizations to develop and execute over 100 different challenges. He speaks regularly about NASA’s work in crowd-based challenges and the future of work both publicly and internally to the NASA workforce to promote the use of open innovation tools.

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Dr. Ian Simon, PhD — Director, Office of Long COVID Research and Practice, U.S. HHS Fri, 17 Jan 2025 12:06:07 +0000

Leading A Government-Wide Response To Long COVID — Dr. Ian Simon, Ph.D. — Director, Office of Long COVID Research and Practice, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Dr. Ian Simon, Ph.D. is the Director for the Office of Long COVID Research and Practice (, in the Office of Science and Medicine, in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health \& Human Services.

The Office of Science and Medicine harnesses the power of collaboration, scientific analysis, data-driven innovation, and emerging technologies for advancing initiatives across the Department, including not just Long COVID, but in the areas of behavioral health, health equity, kidney disease, infection-associated chronic conditions, mother-infant dyad, sickle cell disease, and traumatic brain injury.

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Eli Mohamad & Kai Micah Mills — Advancing Frontiers Of Cryopreservation & Biological Replacement Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:29:01 +0000

Biological replacement and cryopreservation to significantly extend human lifespans — eli mohamad & kai micah mills — hydradao and cryodao.

Eli Mohamad is a prominent figure in the biotech, space, and AI industries who has co-founded several successful startups and has a real passion for groundbreaking ventures that focus on the development of futuristic technologies.

Currently as a Core Team Member at CryoDAO (, a decentralized organization focused on sourcing and funding research in cryopreservation, Eli continues to work at the forefront of innovative technologies and applies his extensive experience in biotechnology and innovative projects to advance novel cryopreservation technologies and their various applications, from critical tissue and organ preservation, to cryo-sleep and suspended animation for space exploration.

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Is Longevity Science Worth It? Sun, 12 Jan 2025 17:10:24 +0000

How long would you like to live, and could science and technology make it possible?

Longevity science aims to extend our healthy years through advancements in CRISPR, cellular reprogramming, and drug development. While private companies and philanthropists invest heavily in these innovations, should the government be responsible for funding these efforts? Those who say yes to government funding say that longevity research could revolutionize public health, keep aging populations productive in the workforce, and reduce the economic burden of age-related illnesses. Those opposed to public funding of longevity science say that true life extension beyond a decade might be unachievable, and it will take years before results are measurable.

They argue that when and if these advances become available, they may only be for a smaller, affluent population. They also argue that long-known behavior choices like good nutrition and sleep should be adopted by all now, instead of chasing uncertain longevity advancements.

With this context, we debate the question: Could Longevity Science Extend Your Health Span By Decades? Should the Government Fund It?

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