David J. Kelley – Lifeboat News: The Blog https://lifeboat.com/blog Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 16 Apr 2021 19:22:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Opportunity to Publish AI Related Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journal https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/04/opportunity-to-publish-ai-related-papers-in-peer-reviewed-journal Fri, 16 Apr 2021 19:22:38 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/04/opportunity-to-publish-ai-related-papers-in-peer-reviewed-journal

Opportunity to Publish AI Related Papers in a Peer-Reviewed Journal w/o cost. One in the BICA*AI 2021 Conference and the Philosophy and Computing Conference at IS4SI Summit in September.

One of the bigger problems I have run into in doing research out of a small lab is the cost of publishing papers and get them peer-reviewed. Many of the most specialized scientific conferences like BICA Society (Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures for AI) can not afford to subsidize costs. This means limits on how many papers can be released and spreading papers over many years sometimes. Recently I got invited to produce and help produce two scientific conferences at the IS4IS summit in September, and the best part is that IS4SI has gotten a grant to cover publishing costs. This means everyone for both conferences is able to publish (assuming your paper meets standards) and attend for free.

If for some reason, your paper does not meet the quality or topic bar’s, we can help you. So the two VIRTUAL conferences are:

BICA*AI 2021 – Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures for AI (I’m the chair on this one) This conference contributing to the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI), is about how data and data architecture is used and implemented in theory and practice in agent-based systems using cognitive architectures that are inspired in large part by the human and animal mind. All aspects of information theory and information architecture in a Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) based system may be covered. This conference is about information theory from the BICA perspective.

Open Source, Is it Good for AGI Research or a Suicide Pact? Help us know for sure https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/04/open-source-is-it-good-for-agi-research-or-a-suicide-pact-help-us-know-for-sure Thu, 15 Apr 2021 22:22:51 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/04/open-source-is-it-good-for-agi-research-or-a-suicide-pact-help-us-know-for-sure

Those that have grown up with open source in the past 20 years know that open source is popular. It’s popular because of a number of reasons including that it fosters innovation, speeds up delivery, and helps us all collectively learn from each other.

We ourselves at the AGI Lab have just assumed this was a good thing. We believe that Open Source research helps everyone. Many research groups in AGI research are already open sourcing including Open Cog, Open Nars, and more.

From an ethical standpoint, we use a system called SSIVA Theory to teach ethics to systems we work on such as Uplift and so we assumed we should release some of our code (which we have here on this blog and in papers) and we planned on open sourcing a version of the mASI or collective system that we work on that uses an AGI Cognitive Architecture.

Collective Superintelligence Summit (Early Bird) https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/03/collective-superintelligence-summit-early-bird Fri, 26 Mar 2021 00:22:32 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/03/collective-superintelligence-summit-early-bird

Your Survival Depends On All Of Us — Support Open Sourcing Collective Superintelligence Basically, the point of the summit is Artificial Superintelligence or ASI is coming eventually. There are groups of organizations discussing the existential risk that ASI poses to humanity. Even if we only develop an AGI, AGI will still create ASI and we lose control at some point. Supporting the Open Sourcing of Collective Superintelligent systems is our only hope for keeping up and moves us forward before other technologies outpace our ability to keep up. Please support our Summit and help decide how to open source a version of the mASI (mediated Artificial Superintelligence) system, and the creation of a community-driven effort to make these systems better and better. Attendance helps to raise enough money to cover the costs of support services, cloud infrastructure, and the digital resources needed to get this open-source project up, covering publishing and support costs, while also making people aware of it. Papers and formal thinking also are really needed. This particular field of collective intelligence is poorly represented in terms of scientific papers and we hope this project can bring more prominence to this possibility of helping humanity become more than what we are and strong enough to contain AGI while we ourselves are able to become smarter and move to full digitization of humanity for those that want it. Then we can contain ASI safely and embrace the singularity. Please help, save yourself and humanity by support the Collective Superintelligence Conference. Sign up and attend here:

This is the early bird sign-up for the virtual summit held June 4th from 6 am PST to 4 pm PST via Zoom and Youtube. Speakers and Panelists, and workshops will be held in Zoom, and streaming will be done via Youtube.

Who is Running the Summit:

This summit is run in conjunction with BICA (Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture) Society and the AGI Laboratory, and The Foundation.

Call For Papers – Collective Superintelligence Summit https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/03/call-for-papers-collective-superintelligence-summit Thu, 04 Mar 2021 18:22:43 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2021/03/call-for-papers-collective-superintelligence-summit

Call for Speakers and Papers.

We are helping produce a summit on Collective Superintelligence we want to hear your opinion on topics like:

What forms can collective intelligence systems take?… See More.

The IAmTranshuman (ist) web site is about the stories of transhumanists, from professors to artists and everything in between from all walks of life. IAmTranshuman is about helping humanity grow and be more then what we were through the responsible use of technology.
