Cherrie Ho – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:19:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Our Theory Of Aging & Blood Dilution w/ Saline & Albumin | Drs. Irina & Mike Conboy Interview Ep 1 Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:19:57 +0000

In this video, Drs Irina and Mike Conboy talk about their theory of why we age and introduce Neutral Blood Exchange, which came from their original parabiosis experiments documented in a 2005 paper.

Our guests today are Drs. Irina and Michael Conboy of the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California Berkeley. their discovery of the rejuvenating effects of young blood through parabiosis in a seminal paper published in Nature in 2005 paved the way for a thriving field of rejuvenation biology. The Conboy lab currently focuses on broad rejuvenation of tissue maintenance and repair, stem cell niche engineering, elucidating the mechanisms underlying muscle stem cell aging, directed organogenesis, and making CRISPR a therapeutic reality.

Papers mentioned in this video.
Plasma dilution improves cognition and attenuates neuroinflammation in old mice.
Rejuvenation of three germ layers tissues by exchanging old blood plasma with saline-albumin.
Rejuvenation of aged progenitor cells by exposure to a young systemic environment.


Reverse Aging of 54% Study Extension — Dr. Harold Katcher’s E5 Project Update July 2021 Tue, 20 Jul 2021 02:23:04 +0000

Encouraging Mid Trial data update! Great to know Dr. Katcher is applying for IRB approval for their human clinical trial for E5.

In this video we provide an update on Dr. Katcher’s experiment where he is treating rats with E5 (formerly called Elixer) on a regular schedule to see how long they will live for. Dr Katcher’s team have kindly provided some intermediate updates that we share in the video.
0:00 — 00:50 Introduction.
00:51 — 04:02 Project Background/Overview.
04:03 — Project Update.

Papers referred to in this newsletter.

Blood Plasma Dilution w/Saline-Albumin | Drs. Irina & Mike Conboy Interview Series Ep 2 Tue, 29 Jun 2021 10:00:12 +0000

In this video, Drs Irina and Mike Conboy talk about the procedure of Neutral Blood Exchange. How it is done and how much blood of the blood is exchanged.

Our guests today are Drs. Irina and Michael Conboy of the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California Berkeley. their discovery of the rejuvenating effects of young blood through parabiosis in a seminal paper published in Nature in 2005 paved the way for a thriving field of rejuvenation biology. The Conboy lab currently focuses on broad rejuvenation of tissue maintenance and repair, stem cell niche engineering, elucidating the mechanisms underlying muscle stem cell aging, directed organogenesis, and making CRISPR a therapeutic reality.

Papers mentioned in this video.
Plasma dilution improves cognition and attenuates neuroinflammation in old mice.
Rejuvenation of three germ layers tissues by exchanging old blood plasma with saline-albumin.
Rejuvenation of aged progenitor cells by exposure to a young systemic environment.

