Comments on: Couple clones cat after it dies for hefty price Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 01 Jul 2019 12:21:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Klien Mon, 01 Jul 2019 12:21:34 +0000 “If only I’d had known about this 2 months ago I would have done this and gladly paid the money for another Black Jack.” It would have been way cool if you had done this! I’ll likely do this with

By: Peter Nicholas Fragasso Sun, 30 Jun 2019 12:41:05 +0000 If only I’d had known about this 2 months ago I would have done this and gladly paid the money for another Black Jack. We miss him so much. I should have looked into this more but grief won the battle.

By: Jen Anderson-Knowles Sat, 29 Jun 2019 11:24:07 +0000 My 2 very special Lahassa Apso Shihtzu mother and daughter dogs — I wanted to that with so bad — I’m still missing them day night since they passed at 16 + 18 years — 2015 January 2 the mom Gina then March 13 2015 Beaches her amazing daughter — they were like little people with eye communication blinks , so personable so smart so quick to catch on to what I was up to.….they are both so very missed daily.
