Comments on: Depressing Theory: Cancer May Be An Evolutionary Safeguard To Protect Our Species Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 17 Apr 2019 08:16:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khannea Sun Tzu Wed, 17 Apr 2019 08:16:18 +0000 This is far from depressing actually. Nature flowed towards a brute force approach that turned out effective in screening out an endless amount of deteriorative specimens from reaching procreative opportunity. Fortunately we are decades away of making sure there are gentically negligible deteriorative specimens, and we have the werewithal as a political species to eventually start screening defective specimen, be they of any age. In decades we can thus select out out the cancerous, degenerate, inbred, dysfunctional segment of society that led to, exemplia gratia, someone like Steve Bannon or Donald Trump. We should simply decide to disallow people that lead to those pathologies to procreate, or we should radically fix their genes. Sorry Barron!
