Comments on: Radical New Technologies will Make People “Super Human” and the Government More Efficient Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 25 Feb 2019 02:49:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Baum Mon, 25 Feb 2019 02:49:13 +0000 Here’s a radical new technology that will make everybody more efficient by supporting far better collaboration and allowing us to understand what can be established and what cannot, most of which is nonsense. It turns out there’s a lot of fake nonsense people believe.

Truthsift makes it easy for people to build proof/refutation diagrams of any statement. You can post a proof tree, point by point, and refutations, point by point, wherever you have a rational argument to make. Truthsift keeps track of which statements have a proof for which every rebuttal has been refuted. Unlike adding comments, where you get lots of repetition and you don’t know how to put it all together, on Truthsift you get point by point debates, in principle no duplication, and at the end of the day you not only know what is tentatively established (in science nothing is ever permanently established), but why and how all the arguments against any step of the proof were rebutted. Arguably the biggest problem in the modern world is the human tendency to ignore evidence against your pet theory which leads to mass delusions. Truthsift prevents this. You can use it to easily understand what’s right for any subject with a mature diagram (please contribute, we need more of these, if you see anything you can rationally dispute please do). You can also use it to make collaborative or personal decisions, where it will help you dig up all the relevant factors and combine them correctly.,-projects,-documents,-and-decisions/289/0/-1/-1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
