Comments on: Women have been written out of science history – time to put them back Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 03 Dec 2018 16:47:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: flashgordon Mon, 03 Dec 2018 16:47:44 +0000 You know what modern day scientists have the real bias against? Rational scientists/mathematicians who can point out what’s wrong with religion.

Religion is anti-questioning, and today’s scientists/mathematicians(most of them) make it taboo to point out religion as a problem And guess who the majority of these scientists/mathematicians who turn their backs against rationality? The women — Christine Peterson, Rosalind Picard, April Wensel, … and I’m forgetting more women I’ve tried to explain irrationality to.

If you want to fight male bias, fight religion!

skp the intro, and maybe read aways to learn old testament effort to wipe out Elohim’s efforts to wipe out his female wife goddess Asherah! , and plenty more anti-women bias in religion! Such as the women taking the fall for eating of the tree of knowledge.(not allowed t think, noit allowed to explore the universe, just believe in god)

By: flashgordon Mon, 03 Dec 2018 16:37:46 +0000 Here’s a woman for ya — Hypatia, torn apart by the chrisitans, and then Rome was next.
