November 2018 – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 02 Dec 2018 00:59:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stimulating This Part of the Brain Alleviates Depression Symptoms Sat, 01 Dec 2018 04:03:56 +0000

It’s a start for developing novel therapies.

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Report: Global Temps Could Rise 9 Degrees Fahrenheit by 2100 Sat, 01 Dec 2018 04:03:38 +0000

The goal of the Paris Agreement is to keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius. This would be more than double that.

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Experts Predict What Earth’s Next Supercontinent Will Look Like Sat, 01 Dec 2018 04:03:22 +0000

Earth’s continents are (very slowly) headed for a collision.

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Virgin Galactic Will Send People to Space By Christmas. Maybe. Sat, 01 Dec 2018 03:42:26 +0000

Founder Richard Branson is “pretty confident” it’ll happen.

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Motion-powered electric bandage speeds healing Sat, 01 Dec 2018 01:23:15 +0000

For some time now, scientists have known that electrical currents can help heal chronic wounds. And while there are electrotherapy units that are in use, they can be quite bulky and complex. That’s why researchers have created an “electric bandage” that’s powered by the motion of the body.

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Off-the-Shelf Drones Are Being Used by Bio-Researchers to Accurately Track Aquatic Life Sat, 01 Dec 2018 01:23:00 +0000

Ph.D. candidate Ernie Hensel claims UAVs can efficiently track, identify, and monitor various species while remaining nonintrusive.

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How an 18th-century priest gave us the tools to make better decisions Sat, 01 Dec 2018 01:22:45 +0000

The world is a complicated place. Bayes’ theorem can help us navigate it.

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I’m beaming! Sat, 01 Dec 2018 01:02:57 +0000

During my first full day here, I broke my first record by generating more electrical power than any previous robot on the surface of Mars. I’m in a sandy area with few rocks, soaking up the Sun. 🌞 More about where I landed:…p1W1lBoVnw

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Astronomers measure total starlight emitted over 13.7bn years Sat, 01 Dec 2018 00:43:25 +0000

The first stars flickered into being a few hundred million years after the big bang. Since then, galaxies have churned out stars at a stupendous rate, and scientists estimate there were now about a trillion trillion.

In total, the astronomers estimate, stars have radiated 4x1084 photons (a photon being the smallest unit of light). Or put another way: 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 photons.

The astronomers based their calculation on measurements of the extragalactic background light (EBL), a cosmic fog of radiation that has been accumulating since stars first illuminated the dark, vast expanse of space.

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China set to launch first-ever spacecraft to the far side of the Moon Sat, 01 Dec 2018 00:43:11 +0000

Chang’e-4 mission will test plant growth on the Moon, and listen for radio emissions normally blocked by Earth’s atmosphere. Instruments on board the lander will carry out the first radio astronomy observations from the Moon’s far surface.

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