Comments on: Survival of the Richest Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 06 Jul 2018 15:37:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bennie Beaver Fri, 06 Jul 2018 15:37:40 +0000 Nice to hope and feel most of scientist don’t desire the darkest of all scenarios. We witnessed this recently when some scientist at Google declined to create for the military. But of course, they will still need to help design defenses against those in the world who will create those offensive weapons.

For me one solution is a socialist-capitalist-democracy. It seems none of these political systems work in a pure form. We need capitalism for human nature’s need to compete and growth. We need socialism for our desires for a degree of humanity. We need democracy of a kind to lend equity to regulations and controls.

How do we balance out the differing natures of humanity for the better of all mankind? Will be ever control more and more progress produced by more and more population growth? Somewhere along the line when is enough-enough?

Considering the history of human nature its still a question whether the better part of human nature will win out in a future singularity I believe is coming sooner than most imagine.
