Comments on: This Is Why Physicists Think String Theory Might Be Our ‘Theory Of Everything’ Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 01 Jun 2018 13:47:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Edward N. Haas Fri, 01 Jun 2018 13:47:05 +0000 It’s very interesting to me to hear Mr. Siegel say String Theory is one of the most unproven ideas in all of physics. It’s interesting to me, because the same can be said of “Esoptrics (i.e.: from “esoptron” a Greek word for mirror), The Algebraic Logic Of The Dynamic Mirror” (i.e.: the cosmological system I’ve been honing since 1957); and yet, while hardly anybody has ever heard of Esoptrics (Actually, that may no longer be true due to the almost 15,000 people who’ve lately read my Quora postings regarding Esoptrics.), String Theory is so widely touted, I dare say millions are to some extent aware of it. This odd disparity is particularly interesting to me, because of the many cosmological puzzles Esoptrics alone solves. For example, Esoptrics explains quite handily such things as: entanglement; the stage 2 collapse of the wave function; why dark matter and energy are not really such; exactly what happened in the so-called “Big Bang” (i.e.: exactly what caused the tiny cluster of matter and energy to fly apart and into what); the cause and duration of cosmic inflation; why the Universe continues to expand; what the occupied Universe is expanding into; when the next “Big Bang” shall occur; what the real nature of locomotion’s medium is (It’s nothing like what sense imagery’s “Geometry speak” infers.); how the ultimate, ultramicroscopic pixels of locomotion’s medium exist at a level sense imagery’s “Geometry speak” would describe as c. 7.35 x 10^-47 cm. (Note the minus sign.); how the ultimate pixels of locomotion’s medium can whirl at as much as 7.3 x 10^77 times light speed (Light speed’s limit applies to the things using locomotion’s medium, but not to that medium itself.); how the chaotic microscopic realm of Quantum Theory can produce the far less chaotic macroscopic realm of Newton and Einstein; how change, time, locomotion, and consciousness are discontinuous; how change and time are never more frequent than 1.3885 x 10^95 times per sec.; how every one of the Universe’s occupants is one of the 2^256 (i.e.: 1.1579 x 10^77) species of duo-combos, 8 species of which are either Neutrinos or Anti-Neutrinos and the other species each one of the many kinds of Photons; how such species can become concentric to form Leptons or Quarks or the super-massive multi-combos able to hold together a planet or a star or a galaxy or a galaxy complex or one of the Universe’s 8 sectors; why there are electrical charges of +1/3, +2/3, +1, −1, −1/3, and −2/3; and other explanations I can’t remember at the moment. Still, no matter what Esoptrics explains, it’s almost universally ignored save by those looking for something able to give them the pleasure of ridiculing it as garbage (One university’s Philosophy club used the “c” word to describe Esoptrics.) from the mind of a hopelessly insane, sub-moronic imbecile.
