Comments on: Does Mystery of Quantum Physics Prove God Exists? Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 30 Dec 2019 16:49:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Philip Raymond Sat, 05 May 2018 00:27:23 +0000 I suspect that we share a basic approach to understanding our place in the universe, Bennie. Although I steered clear of a term in my post, our shared philosophy is aptly called “Agnostic”. And, of course, this is not the same as atheist.

An agnostic acknowledges that there is beauty, and clever form to the universe—but there is no evidence of a creator. If, there is a God, it has not given us the tools to discern answers of the highest “chicken-and-egg” order. And if there is a God, it certainly doesn’t expect us to grovel, beg forgiveness or swear allegiance. Without informing us of our place, that would make no sense at all.

I sometimes encounter individuals who are surprised at my Agnostic and scientific perspective, because I identify with a religion (or more accurately, a culture and a family heritage). But in my book, there is no contradiction between religion and science…

Any God that I can imagine, would use natural laws (the physical phenomena that we gradually learn) to govern what we perceive. Events play out in accordance with these natural laws and not by edict, passion or miracles. Any God that I can imagine, would not be jealous, angry, petty or arrogant — and ‘he’ certainly wouldn’t accuse us of living in sin. But since Gods are just conjecture (unrevealed and an invention of Man), the existance just doesn’t matter to our present or our future. If he exists, then — just like Satoshi Nakamoto — he wishes to be left alone, rather than praised or cursed.


By: Bennie Beaver Fri, 04 May 2018 21:26:28 +0000 Neil deGrasse Tyson talked of “a God of the gaps” when it comes to believing in a God. Many individuals, particularly of religious persuasion, believe that simply because science has yet to answer every question, it is a reason for believing in a theistic religion.

throughout history religions have said, see science can’t answer that question, therefore a theistic religion has got to be true; and than, suddenly science answered many of those questions, and theism simply slips on to the next unanswered question.

I don’t believe in any formal religion, but do believe there may be a reason for believing in a being number one in the universe, considering man is number one on earth; but it does not elicit a theistic religion.

Otherwise, there are reasons for believing that because all of nature and the universe can be understood by intelligent being, like humans, is because everything in nature evokes an intelligent form. If all of nature is a kind of God, ruling our lives, it has not particuarly proven to be for or against, good or evil.…But humans can be discernibly good or evil.
