Comments on: The Cybernetic Messiah: Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 17 Apr 2017 01:14:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Arnold Sun, 16 Apr 2017 14:04:22 +0000 The computational capacity of a nanoteched grain of sand is a quintillion times that of the human brain, making the distinction between a cyborg and a pure artilect pointless. Any human being wishing to convert himself into a cyborg will effectively be killing himself,
unless he dramatically impairs and restricts the capability of his cyborg portion. He will no longer be “he” but an “artilect in human disguise.” This argument has implications for the species dominance debate.

By: Brad Arnold Sun, 16 Apr 2017 14:01:26 +0000 Rise of the Transhumans by Sean McKnight

The last battle for equal rights won’t be for racial equality; It won’t be for gender equality; Not for sexual or gender orientation; It will be a battle between two species: Humans and Transhumans.
Unlike the other battles for equality, this one will be more than figurative; It will take a great expense of blood And in all likelihood result in the eventual extinction of the human race.
That’s how dominant species function, As one rises the other must logically fall Transhumans will be smarter, stronger, and more capable than humans Humans will eventually stop being the masters of their own planet Transhumans will take the jobs of the elites, and outperform their human counterparts Humans will respond, violently as usual But they will lose.
What may start as a quest for equality for by both Will end with the extinction of one.
