Comments on: F-35 Pilots Will Control UAVs Flying Nearby Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 01:57:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert C. Clark Sun, 29 Jan 2017 08:46:39 +0000 I Think that Unmanned Fighter (Psudo-Jets) are The Wave of The Future. They do not have Any constraints on G-Forces-es,Altitudes or “Whimsy”. They can go Faster, Smaller and with more “Kill” power than conventional Jets. They can Even Do “Kamaksi” missions to Destroy Primitive “Jets”. Use of Gyroscopes and High Energy propulsion Systems can achieve a Superiority the likes that Man has not Seen Before. By the way.… “Hats Off” to the High Energy Liquid Laser people. (Well Done). It is My Hope that “Chemical” (One Shot) Micro “pulse” laser systems can be developed. (Kind of like the Old “Six-Shooter” versions of Days of Old. Yes, they may only have a few “Rounds” in their Chambers.…yet they can “Mess Up” 6 Enemy Satellites. (Keep Thinking Outside of The Box)
