Comments on: Space Warp Dynamics: The startup that’s working on sending humans to Proxima Centauri Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 04 Dec 2016 00:53:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Goldes Sun, 04 Dec 2016 00:53:45 +0000 A sleeping invention by Dr. Robert L. Carroll (1910–1997) a mathematical physicist — could open space to human exploration far beyond present ideas. Carroll’s Ultra-Cold Disruption (UCD) is a revolutionary alternative to any form of fission or fusion. The fuel is very small amounts of ordinary water. There is no radioactive waste. Carroll was aiming for the stars. His alternative to relativity proposed the maximum speed of a spacecraft is 20 million times that of light. However, if it proves practical, UCD could spin a turbine and generate power. Carroll believed it would be safe enough for vehicles. It might also replace chemical rockets with a system that cannot explode and would be much lighter and cheaper. That would allow humans to settle in space in great numbers. AESOP Energy intends to prototype the breadbasket sized reactor. A possible early application is replacement of fuel in an 18 wheel truck. A spacecraft design firm, once convinced it is worth pursuing, has indicated interest in exploring the replacement of chemical rockets with UCD. The invention depends on room temperature superconductors. Polymer Ultraconductors are equivalents — proven by four successful government Small Business Innovation Research contracts. Once UCD proves practical, a nanoscale spacecraft can be launched aimed at a star. If it quickly returns with data and photographs consistent with the Hubble telescope, Carroll will have been proven correct. See: look under MORE.
