Comments on: Breaking Taboo: Swedish Scientist Modifies DNA in Human Embryos –“Ignores Ethical Boundaries of Science” Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 04 Jun 2017 21:13:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Smafield Wed, 28 Sep 2016 02:44:48 +0000 modifying the DNA code of humans is something that we must do if we want to control our own evolution. If we want to extend life so we can maintain the health and mental flexibility of youth into two hundred or more years of active life. Also, we need to have a library of as much diverse samples of human DNA as possible incase we find that it is needed in the future. I applaud the Swedish scientists who are conducting this experiment. I hope the embryo is allowed to live. I would however make sure that a very limited number of people are given identifying information about the person if he or she is born.
