Comments on: How ‘artificial swarm intelligence’ uses people to make better predictions than experts Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 05:51:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Wed, 27 Jan 2016 15:07:38 +0000 It is a flawed technique. Seen it too many times. Therefore, nice try, I do not agree. End of story

By: Karen Wed, 27 Jan 2016 14:50:21 +0000 I just do not agree

By: Barnabas Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:31:56 +0000 I agree with @Victoria, swarming is very different than the prior methods for dealing with wisdom of crowds.

Prior methods collect and crunch data, generating a snapshot of group opinions. Swarming, on the other hand, creates a living system that enables emergence.

This is why swarming is A.I., and could be the safest path to super-human sentience.

By: Victoria Jones Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:37:30 +0000 Hi Karen,
It’s true that traditional Wisdom of Crowds has not evolved much over the decades, but this is different. It’s not Wisdom of Crowds (which aggregates individuals in isolation), it’s Swarm Intelligence (which builds synchronous closed-loop systems to foster a higher-level emergent intelligence).

Yes, the building blocks are sentient and capable of subjective reasoning but that’s a good thing. Research shows that swarms can exceed natural human abilities while keeping human morals and values in the loop. From this perspective, it could be the safest path for exceeding natural human intellect.

This interview by Singularity 1-on-1 gives a good introduction to the concept:

-Victoria Jones
