Comments on: China is building malls of the future that could come to the US soon Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:14:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Sun, 24 Jan 2016 04:14:19 +0000 Here the one factor that we need to consider in this concept. China doesn’t face the same level of suicide bombings, lone wolf terrorist attacks as the west does. And, how much was factor into the equation of part of the reason why folks don’t like enclosed malls is because of the terrorist attacks plus all of those past mass mall shootings that we use to see so much of. Personally, I believe one needs to factor these into their assessment and investment decision around this. Also, many folks in the US like buying online because it is a hassle to drive to the mall due to traffic and/ or distance. And, online was way better as a result.
