Comments on: Alzheimer’s Cure Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 08 Oct 2015 09:29:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Wischer Thu, 08 Oct 2015 06:34:40 +0000 I wonder why the scientists are closed to testing the herbal Telomerase Activators that have been available for a few years now? Is it because they are natural plant based and Big Pharma cannot make mega $! I have had reversal of a physical genetic fault and my physical body has youthed and my mind has clarity that belies my actual chronological age of 66 young. I consume Product B i considered the most powerful of the herbal TA’s plus a complete nutritional supplement plus a Guts formula to clean me out so to speak. I feel the best ever in my life so far and more youthing to go!
Here’s to a long and healthy life!
Be great to get a trial as we already have had terrific success in neurological diseases incl Alzheimer’s!
