Comments on: Mystery Deepens: Matter and Antimatter Are Mirror Images Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:25:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jerome P. Tue, 18 Aug 2015 17:17:52 +0000 Interesting article.
What needs to be addressed as a matter of importance in this field of astronomy/astrophysics/cosmology is the extremely foolish(stupid?) assumption that the Big Bang created EVERYTHING, aka the Universe.
How arrogant and naive and unintelligent must we be to come up with a theory like that? We have NO idea how big the actual cosmos is, yet we believe with foolish certainty that the Big Bang created the cosmos, everything in existence including empty space.

They would rather say that the Big Bang created everything in existence out of nothingness, than to consider the possibility that the Big Bang was a LOCAL event in our “corner” of the possibly infinite Universe/Cosmos. Instead, their really very unintelligent theory has been accepted globally as the most likely scenario. This is ridiculous, and once again proves that the field of science is littered with garbage quality thinking.

I am very unimpressed with this.

