Comments on: Public Lecture to the Youth of the World Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 17 Apr 2015 20:02:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 17 Apr 2015 20:02:54 +0000 Dear Thomas Ganz:

It is wonderful that you claim my recent results had been proven wrong 8 years ago.

Would you be able to sketch the counterproof?
I am sure you can count on the help of CERN.

No one would be more grateful than me.

Take care,

By: Thomas Ganz Fri, 17 Apr 2015 12:36:13 +0000 You are illusional — the post was neither ad hominem nor am I associated with Cern. But thanks for agreeing with my points!

By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 17 Apr 2015 08:21:04 +0000 This is not a scientific reply, but an ad hominem statement — unfortunately without rational basis.
This is CERN — thank you for giving your best, Thomas Ganz, officer on deck explaining why having a look would be counterproductive.

Future historians will be grateful if they exist.

By: Thomas Ganz Thu, 16 Apr 2015 19:34:30 +0000 It’s funny that Rössler isn’t following his own advice and starts thinking. The only reason why CERN should (and certainly would) update the safety-report is for new findings that would imply a re-assessment. But there are no such new findings!

And before you start Mr. Rössler: no, you haven’t seen the iceberg. Your so called “prove” doesn’t hold for 2 minutes. You were never able to publish any of this in a reputable journal, instead you “self-published” it in dubious journals like “African Journal of Mathematics”, where everything gets published, as long as the author pays for it (what was the amount you paid? $150 per page?).

Now to the core of the issue: Rössler has been proven wrong many times, and any junior year student can pull his claims apart. Just browse this blog to find some of these exercises, but Tom has already posted some of them. However, Rössler doesn’t accept this. For seven years he continues to claim that no-one contradicted him, which is just a lie.

Why he does this is to anyone’s guess. The money here in Tübingen is on a good portion of vanity.

So, all calm down, the world will not be destroyed and no one should sell their belongings. Kiss your kids goo night and sleep tight.

By: Otto E. Rossler Thu, 16 Apr 2015 12:15:28 +0000 I apologize deeply.

What would you do in my place?
I am the ship’s boy. I sighted an iceberg.
Now everyone tells me I should shut up since the captain relies on a Safety Report that is 7 years old and got written before the iceberg was sighted. And the use of binoculars got forbidden.

And the opinion that I were alone is not correct. I quoted many scientists in my about 20 pertinent papers who are on my side.

Only it would not help if they showed up. It would ruin their careers in view of the open refusal to defend his silence shown by the ship’s Captain at CERN. The largest superpower that ever exiisted in science.

I would very much appreciate an advice that is Salomonic. Such a situation has existed only once on the planet — before the trinity test. But that was in time of war. A 7 years old “Safety Report” if accepted by a planet shows something about the planet.

I cannot believe that no one understands this (if this were to be so). Why start hating yourself instead of helping everyone by turning to the media and doing something helpful rather than destructive. THINKING HELPS.

You are more intelligent because you are younger. I am a stupid Semmelweis who wishes nothing more than to be shown to be wrong.

By: Tom Kerwick Thu, 16 Apr 2015 00:45:32 +0000 Mark Myres -
Just another drop in the ocean. Here’s a sample comment/scenario I found this week:

“Hello, I am sorry to bother everyone in this forum, but it seems to be the most knowledgeable one. I have a family member who has gone severely ill, sold most of his belongings and quit his work in fear the world will be ending soon. He has subscribed to a few “Physics Theorists” such as Otto Rossler and Nicollo Totolli. Unfortunately he has turned me on to these fears and they are beginning to take over my life as well.”

Lifeboat policy’ at present is not to vet scientific opinion :-/. Admin here of individual posts & comments here is voluntary, and can be difficult. Where do we go. Censorship also introduces other problems.

By: Tom Kerwick Thu, 16 Apr 2015 00:16:27 +0000 > Where are the previous 50 entries gone?

Otto — apologies — it is an automated archive feature of the current Lifeboat blogs, if a post reaches over 50 comments, the earlier comments get archived. The earlier comments can still be found here —

By: bill johnson Wed, 15 Apr 2015 22:55:01 +0000 The lack of an update to the safety report is not in and off itself a problem, no. Thanks for the estimate for your publications although I was asking a different question but that is still related. Out of those publications how many directly made the assertion that the LHC could cause a planet destroying event? (Not theory that back said conclusion but that actually make the claim) If any did what was the nature of the publication?

As to the comments this happened before. They are still there, it’s just that the link to go back to page 1 of comments is missing.

By: Kash Wed, 15 Apr 2015 22:28:14 +0000 Whoa, that’s BS that they got removed.

By: Mark myres Wed, 15 Apr 2015 22:27:38 +0000 Otto you ever thought that you may be putting alot of fear into innocent people who read this article people who have children wife’s and they might be leave what you say and give up on life one girl as already killed herself and like it or not it was because you went public with what you and only you seem to think is the truth so in essence you played the major roll in her death now stop with all of this telling everyone on lifeboat that when cern starts the lhc back up that it will be the end it’s wrong and I don’t understand why people who run this site allow you to put fear into men women and children so the fact is people see you say when the lhc starts it’s there last day and do stupid things and take there life’s it’s all on you otto ino I’m being a little bit harsh but it’s the truth thank you think about this
