Comments on: Downwards-slanted light-paths engraved onto upwards-rotating horizontal cylinder: Model of the bottom of the Einstein-rocketship Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 06 Nov 2014 09:30:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Otto E. Rössler Wed, 05 Nov 2014 19:24:33 +0000 Addendum:
In the special case of a locally vertically (rather than locally horizontally) emitted light ray at the bottom of the constantly accelerating long Einstein rocketship – so that the lateral component along the cylinder is now zero –, we still have the same downwards-directed component of the light ray valid on the cylinder as before, caused by the Einstein time delay for ascending light inside the rocketship. This vertical, “pure” Einstein gravitational redshift is still made possible by the same locally unnoticeable upwards rotation of the cylinder as in the above 2-D case.

In this way, Einstein’s central gravitational finding – the gravitational redshift – is successfully generalized to two space dimensions in the equivalence principle.
