Comments on: An Anomaly in Science Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 04 Jun 2017 19:09:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: particle collider newsgroup / CR Thu, 29 May 2014 23:07:53 +0000 For those interested in keeping up with debate -
PARTICLE COLLIDER SAFETY NEWSGROUP (CERN / LHC-Critique): 900+ members and growing —

By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 23 May 2014 19:06:03 +0000 I appreciate your fairness.

By: Tom Kerwick Fri, 23 May 2014 14:44:34 +0000 I believe a safety report in any industry — including CERN’s safety report, should always be kept up to date — I am not arguing this point with you. I just view the concerns differently. There is a bit of what I see as ‘unscientific handwaving’ going on here also…

By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 23 May 2014 14:35:23 +0000 Everyone sees that this is a jumble of many many issues.
Do you, or does anyone else, support CERN’s stance that not to renew their 6 years old saftety report is a defendable stance before the world public?

By: Tom Kerwick Fri, 23 May 2014 12:21:58 +0000 No problem Otto. After some feedback from my most recent comment, I should clarify to readers that despite stating the WD safety assurance is not strong enough on its own as a safety assurance — This is in the context of specific parameters (D>8) — and a scientific consensus will still tell you it is safe even in knowing this.

Further clarification: The previous figure I had used for stopping distances related to slow-down of black holes to the non-relativistic regime, not to below the escape velocity in order to be trapped — hence the oversight. Column densities similar to WD are calculated to be capable of stopping 14 TeV MBH of up to 7 space-time dimensions, and are actually made clear in the G&M paper — fig 2 page 37 — no need to debate this point with CERN.

The implication of this of course is if one is to seek a safety assurance independent of Hawking Radiation theory, the WD safety assurance is only dependable where D<8, and up to 14 TeV energy levels. Hence one needs to rely on the NS safety assurance for such. As stated on another thread, I would like to see the criticisms in Alam Rahman’s paper — specifically of the NS safety assurance — taken into consideration at CERN/LSAG to confirm the NS safety assurance is not compromised by his findings in review of the G&M paper. However, I understand his paper is incomplete so I presume it was not presented./

By: Otto E. Rossler Sun, 18 May 2014 12:31:59 +0000 Thank you very much, dear Colleague!

By: Tom Kerwick Sun, 18 May 2014 11:45:38 +0000 I think my bio speaks for itself — no need to denounce me as ‘non-physicist’ when you are not one yourself. As for championing me as a solitary defender of CERN, I am hardly this. \

About presuppositions made about very slow black holes having the same accretion rate as very fast ones in this paper — I think you refer to an earlier paper I wrote on relative flux… More significantly, an updated revision of the technical note linked above (rev 1.01, 17th May 2014, page 3 — remember to reload/refresh) captures a relevant oversight and as such suggests further analysis on the NS safety assurances to cover certain conditions:

“However – the WD safety assurance is only valid for lower orders of dimensions of MBH [5], and column densities required to stop the heaviest black holes (D>=8) exceed the stopping power of WD. To cover scenarios of MBH with D>=8, further analysis is required on the NS safety assurances [5][8].”

That is to say the WD safety assurance is not quite strong enough on its own as a safety assurance (E = 14 TeV) — it requires either the NS safety assurance also, or a verifiable HR.

Kind regards–
— Tom.

By: Otto E. Rossler Sat, 17 May 2014 07:09:36 +0000 world-wide

By: Otto E. Rossler Sat, 17 May 2014 07:09:05 +0000 Tom Kerwick, a non-physicist, happens to be the only defender of CERN’s rule-violating behavior word-wide.
It is fine that he focuses on one particular, very indirect safety argument, which is nice. The latter of course makes presuppositions that are not all justified or even made explict — like that very slow black holes have the same accretion rate as very fast ones.
Nevertheless the safety conference that I and everyone asks for for 6 years will, of course, have to discuss his safety argument along with all the — in part much more urgent — others that humankind has a right to see discussed.

By: Tom Kerwick Fri, 16 May 2014 23:51:23 +0000 Related post —
