Comments on: The Hubris of Neo-Luddism Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:27:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Howard Mon, 03 Jun 2013 00:53:27 +0000 We should prohibit people from creating human beings by any means other than joining a living man’s unmodified sperm and a living woman’s unmodified egg, in order to preserve the principle of equality and human rights and prevent an expensive entitlement and government regulated industry. Transhumanism should simply be defined as genetic engineering of human beings, since that is what is at issue. There may be some technologies that people apply to themselves, such as getting prosthetics and implating chips and improving their eyes and whatnot, and maybe some of those will need to be regulated or prohibited, but for the most part things people want to do to themselves will be legal. It’s what people want to do to other people that we need to stand up and prohibit. There is no right to create a human being except through marital sexual intercourse, so since there are reasons it is bad pubic policy to let people start making human beings from genetically engineered genes, we can and should stop it and preserve natural conception rights.
