Comments on: OPEN DIALOG WITH STEPHEN HAWKING ————————————————————————————— “Metabolizing it is at Rest”: Heraclitus’ Eternally Recycling Cosmos Recovered Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 19 Dec 2012 17:42:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Otto E. Rössler Wed, 19 Dec 2012 17:42:45 +0000 The following purely factual post was placed on Lifeboat 29 hours ago. Why it got removed I would love to learn because this would provide the first counterproof to the presented briefest disproof of Hawking radiation. Thank you, dear administrator, for kindly caring to reply!
“Dec 18, 2012

All Physicists know that Hawking Radiation Violates the Infinite-infalling-time Theorem

Posted by Otto E. Rössler in category: Uncategorized

‘The particle takes an infinite time to reach the critical radius r = 2m’ (as Lucasian Professor Paul Dirac wrote on page 33 of his book ‘General Theory of Relativity’ of 1975). So the twin particle of a pair fluctuation cannot reach the critical radius during the lifetime of the other, as Hawking incorrectly assumed.

The Milner Prize honors a maximally brave human being, not a scientific achievement. The prize thereby has become the Heroism Prize of the century, being maximally deserved as such.”

