Comments on: Is Failure to Prepare Our Silent Existential Event? Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 19 Nov 2012 05:48:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: RichardKanePA Mon, 19 Nov 2012 05:48:34 +0000 Society also has to deal with voluntary and non voluntary participation. Someone may rightly note that they are slightly likely to be better or if they personally refuse to be vaccinated, but if others agree with this person and also don’t get vaccinated they would all be more likely to be worse off.

If 45 years ago when it was first thought of liberated earth quake faults would make a better world today. But 45 years ago some might have gotten hurt if lubricating the faults led to one more big one before solving the earthquake problem.

By: GaryChurch Mon, 19 Nov 2012 01:44:58 +0000 Don’t listen to Bennie. Odette has written of a profound truth- that we may be too stupid to survive. Whenever someone writes the truth they wil get mostly negative or lukewarm responses like Bennie’s. The truth is most often an alien thing to those conditioned to accept the opposite or watered down substitute. Keep up the good work Odette.

By: Bennie Beaver Sat, 17 Nov 2012 16:29:51 +0000 I think this article is fine but overdrawn. It’s generally OK that government and private industry create training in survival, but over focused priority.
