Comments on: “Thanks for the Fish!” – paid to an Anonymous Group on the Internet Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:27:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Choi Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:27:44 +0000 Great post. I don’t live in the Rio Grand Valley (South Texas) anymore, but so many ppolee I know find a way around this. They claim they’re separated from their spouse. They fudge about what they earn. They They claim exemptions on their taes that they shouldn’t. They then get help with daycare, food expenses, and state run Medicaid. Government screwing is rampant and goes unchecked. My reason for bringing this up is that some ppolee really get pissed that cost of the basic necessities of life preclude having any spending money. And while they may not realize or care that it’s not helping the economy they shrug it’s a dog eat dog world.And nowhere else I turn proves to me that they’re wrong in that opinion (not the government screwing, though). Business owners are not paying their employees more. They still expect to pay their labor Illegal Alien Wages (and they do, because these ppolee won’t have government representation).
