Comments on: Christian Astronomers Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 03 Sep 2012 07:08:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: GaryChurch Mon, 03 Sep 2012 04:57:22 +0000 Hmmmm. I think you are trying to get me arrested. What you are talking about is against federal law. Creative though. Let’s keep thinking about it.

By: JohnHunt Mon, 03 Sep 2012 03:36:04 +0000 OK. I have an idea that might fit the need.
By way of illustration, imagine if Osama Bin Laden had, instead of forming Al Qaeda, formed an organization called the Brotherhood to Fly Planes into the Twin Towers (BFPTT).  Then he proceeds to make a video explaining exactly how he would do that.  Send guys to flight schools in the US.  Get others from Saudi Arabia.  Hijack multiple simultaneous planes.  Tell the passengers they have bombs.  Then fly them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the Capitol building.  By so clearly laying out his plans, what would the results have been?  Clearly, the authorities would have been on to him and neither his organization nor any other terrorist organization could have committed that exact terrorist plan.
So, imagine if you were to start an organization called Concerned Scientists for the Extinction of Humanity (CSEH).  You put on a lab jacket, donn round glasses and a bow tie, and do up your hair in a mad scientists way.  Produce a video explaining one specific plan for the extinction of humanity but also with a very clear disclaimer that your goal isn’t to actually kill everyone but to make sure that the-powers-that-be institute measures to prevent (or even delay) this from being able to be done thereby buying us time to establish off-Earth colonies.
Then, start a Kickstarter campaign to raise money with the video and then sit back and watch all of the free publicity roll in.  In interviews you could explain how crazy it is that so little is being done to prevent the development of existential technologies.  You could also explain about the need for off-Earth colonization.
I would suggest that you set the amount high enough that there is no chance of it actually being funded so that hundreds of people could pledge $5 without actually risking their money.  So, think of the reports that some crazy scientists have launched a Kickstarter campaign to develop an engineered virus to kill all of humanity and that already 200+ people have donated to it.  Then three months later start another campaign to develop an accelerating AI designed to evolve through combat.  In this way a thoroughly viscious AI will be able to succeed in order to eliminate humanity and return Earth to its more “natural” state or something like that.  It could be quite a series of high-publicity stunts.

By: GaryChurch Sun, 02 Sep 2012 17:42:11 +0000 I don’t know either John. I am trying to take advantage of a tipping point and that human capacity for capricious fixation. Though I am a Christian, I am unashamedly using the word as a possible “hot word” to grab peoples attention. While the word has some negative connotations in popular culture at present such things sometimes flip flop and become popular and become a different thought form to the public.
Consider my condemnation of skulls. I could put a skull on toilet paper and it would sell better. To me it is revolting but to this generation it has become a symbol of coolness.

It is all about revolting against established norms- this causes change by definition and is what people actually want. But what will capture attention is unpredictable. I am after something that will eventually gain enough attention that it will “tip” and gain momentum.

Thank you for the criticism and I am open to any suggestions.

By: JohnHunt Sun, 02 Sep 2012 17:18:25 +0000 I don’t know. The title suggests astronomers and back yard hobbiests limited to those of Christian denominations. It is not obvious to me from the name that this organization will embark upon life extension and space colonization.
