Comments on: Rest-mass Nonconservation in Special Relativity’s Equivalence principle and Ehrenfest Disk (Minipaper) Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 03 Aug 2012 17:27:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 03 Aug 2012 17:27:23 +0000 There seems to be more than one such theory already, dear Dr. Nayeli. Eventually, one of them (or a combination) will become standard wisdom. Thank you very much for your kind remark.

By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 03 Aug 2012 17:24:39 +0000 To which of the 239 entries he is quoting is our esteemed professor of psychiatry directing the readers of this blog so we can all be enlightened by the sudden existence of a counter-proof?

By: Nayeli Fri, 03 Aug 2012 14:53:10 +0000 Einstein was right about the shortcomings of Quantum Mechanics and so treehfore String Theory is also the incorrect approach. As an alternative to Quantum Theory there is a new theory that describes and explains the mysteries of physical reality. While not disrespecting the value of Quantum Mechanics as a tool to explain the role of quanta in our universe. This theory states that there is also a classical explanation for the paradoxes such as EPR and the Wave-Particle Duality. The Theory is called the Theory of Super Relativity. This theory is a philosophical attempt to reconnect the physical universe to realism and deterministic concepts. It explains the mysterious.

By: Peter Howell Mon, 09 Jul 2012 18:00:01 +0000 Roessler: all of them. If you are too dumb to follow an argument for more than 2 sentences, how can you ever understand anything?

But I know that this is just another of your moves to avoid a scientific discurs — similar to El- Naschie by the way.

By: Otto E. Rössler Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:26:35 +0000 Dear Sir Peter: 239 items named are unfortunately not a single counterargument — unless you can point out which anonymous comment you think has the quality of a counter-argument that you could have formulated yourself.

By: lsd Mon, 09 Jul 2012 16:25:27 +0000 Otto can not be the judge as he is a fanatical follower of the Rössler-Dogma.

By: Peter Howell Mon, 09 Jul 2012 15:39:10 +0000 Roessler (and anyone els interested): here is one of many examples where your ‘theory’ has been proven wrong:

Now you will say again that this is not the case, so let me ask you: who is the judge on what’s right or wrong?

By: Bernd Sun, 08 Jul 2012 18:41:16 +0000 Dear Otto,

It’s my pleasure.
A little speculation could help here:
Global field strengths should scale with powers of the light velocity as the interaction velocity. In your example metric this would imply a constant field strenght in your radial variable.

Would be happy if you could make progress in any direction.


By: Otto E. Rossler Sun, 08 Jul 2012 16:31:19 +0000 Dear Bernd:

Thank you for thinking so positively!

My knowledge about the Higgs mechanism is constrained by my having read Professor Matt Strassler’s blog which is absolutely outstanding but does not make me a specialist. Nevertheless I think I can reply – or try to.

The Higgs field – the essential universally constant new object – is everywhere constant. (Nothing else in the universe is.) At first sight, nothing speaks in favor of its being dependent on local properties like a high space-time curvature. Einstein’s postulated principle of general covariance means that LOCALLY the Higgs field is always the same. How it can manage to be globally constant at the same time is a question that the specialists – presumably – cannot answer as of yet. Modern particle physics does without space-time curvature as you know.

So the question you posed is maximally important. And you kindly allude to the fact that I showed that rest mass decreases with gravitational redshift. This could be interpreted as the Higgs field going down there — as you suggest. If so there is a direct connection between Telemach and Higgs.

To venture a guess, I would predict that the astounding universal constancy of the Higgs field manages to go unscathed by the two relativities. This will most certainly constrain the field’s properties,although no one has any idea as of yet in what way this occurs. General relativity lives off the postulate of general covariance. Otherwis, black holes would cease to exist. On the other hand, there is plenty of (indirect) evidence for their existence in astronomy. The “quasar scaling law” of 2008 therefore needs to be taken seriously at present – and with it the black hole danger caused by a certain beautiful experiment as a side effect.

Thank you very much,

By: Bernd Sun, 08 Jul 2012 14:53:16 +0000 Dear Otto,

You say that Telemach relevance is given by black hole considerations.
You also think the Higgs-mechanism is relevant and possibly even acting in your black hole. Consequently, with this assumption Higgs should be ultimatively responsible for the mass of a black hole. Have you checked if the Higgs-mechanism is affected by strong space-time curvatures? If not, I guess your theory is valid as many others showing the opposite result but not considering the Higgs mechanism.

