Comments on: Spiralling Debt & The Road to Breaking Point Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 08 Jun 2012 01:37:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: KeithCu Fri, 08 Jun 2012 01:37:39 +0000 We do agree on a lot, I just want to make clear that the Tea party is not holding the country ransom. They are the only movement in America trying to fix our problems. Obama is not proposing reforms. His solution to our problems is more of the same government spending. This movement is a threat, so many tell lies and say they refuse reform, which is Orwellian.

By: Tom Kerwick Mon, 04 Jun 2012 22:22:05 +0000 Keith — yes I wasn’t suggesting the Tea Party is like the Taliban — though I felt it appropriate to reference the analogy to plateau the ‘emotiveness’ of the issue. It is very true that the best way to marginalise people is to lie about them — even happens here on Lifeboat disputes. You actually endorse the main point of my post in that ‘We cannot pay back our debts’ — it shows how far borrowing has gone out of control. Agreed one can have growth through austerity. There isn’t really a rational Plan B.

By: Keith Curtis Thu, 31 May 2012 04:21:46 +0000 I disagree that the Tea Party is like the Taliban. It is a bunch of people who agree with you that the government is out of control, can’t manage its budget, doesn’t provide goods and services as well as the private sector, does a bad job of picking winners and losers (see: corn-based ethanol), etc.

The Tea Party believes that US Constitution created a limited government, and it wants to return to it. If the Tea Party is crazy, it means history and common sense are crazy. They are called like the Taliban by their opponents, who want to marginalize them. The best way to marginalize someone is to lie about them. I can also suggest you go to a Tea Party rally and see for yourself.

The Republicans had much better plans to fix the debt crisis, but Obama is ignoring them. He also ignored the plans created by his Debt Commission.

We cannot pay back our debts. The only thing we can do is reform the systems so we can afford them. However, we can also do this while having low unemployment. In general, government destroys wealth. The dilemma between growth and austerity is a false choice. We need both, and can have both.
