Comments on: I Dreamed of Dying Last Night – Time Stood Still – Then the Dream-Giving Instance Let It Run Again Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 12 Jan 2012 11:40:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Otto E. Rössler Thu, 12 Jan 2012 11:40:37 +0000 Yes, I understood.

By: Anthony L Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:06:45 +0000 I don’t mean of course correcting your physics. I mean that my qualification is my ignorance, the license of every truthful journalist, to ask you to explain things which a physicist would already know in what you write.

By: Otto E. Rossler Mon, 09 Jan 2012 12:48:55 +0000 Thank you — attempto — I shall try.

By: AnthonyL Mon, 09 Jan 2012 06:03:16 +0000 Dear Professor Rossler, I hesitate to impinge on your time but surely the first person to write a draft should be your knowledgeable self, who originated the specialist text above. Why not follow Einstein and explain it in terms which even a mere journalist can understand? Clearly your writing is up to the task, it is merely a matter of using everyday language, like the scriptwriters of NOVA or Hollywood, to explain deep mysteries of science and Nature.

I have noticed that despite having only a computerized voice Stephen Hawking has made a practice of this trick for some time, in fact, has achieved two best sellers explaining cosmology to all comers.

You might achieve your objective by following his lead and writing a book which would become a best seller. Is that too optimistic? I do not think so.

Whatever you write I can certainly fix if there is anything to fix.

By: Otto E. Rossler Sun, 08 Jan 2012 21:14:14 +0000 Can you help me make a draft? You could publish it here and we could jointly improve upon it.

By: AnthonyL Sun, 08 Jan 2012 14:36:58 +0000 Professor, this item looks like a sincere effort to lay out some of your thinking on this point, but with all due respect, would it be possible for you to clarify what you have said here by summarizing it in terms which could be quoted by a journalist, and accessible to the common reader?
