Comments on: Can Anyone Explain Why CERN Fears Nothing more than a Scientific Safety Conference? Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 20 Jan 2012 22:29:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: PassingByAgain Fri, 20 Jan 2012 22:29:29 +0000 More on “Academic Journals” from the same librarian guy:

Rossler, I hope you haven’t disbursed the $550 yet… ;-)

By: PassingByAgain Fri, 20 Jan 2012 20:18:17 +0000 I suppose it means that the publishing company has nothing to do with any of the conferences listed in its “conference announcements” page:

Anyway, for the benefit of the laziest among Lifeboat’s readers, let me paste all of the relevant text from the link:

Beall’s List of Predatory, Open-Access Publishers by Jeffrey Beall
2012 Edition

Predatory, open-access publishers are those that unprofessionally exploit the author-pays model of open-access publishing (Gold OA) for their own profit. Typically, these publishers spam professional email lists, broadly soliciting article submissions for the clear purpose of gaining additional income. Operating essentially as vanity presses, these publishers typically have a low article acceptance threshold, with a false-front or non-existent peer review process. Unlike professional publishing operations, whether subscription-based or ethically-sound open access, these predatory publishers add little value to scholarship, pay little attention to digital preservation, and operate using fly-by-night, unsustainable business models.

Academic Journals
This bogus, Nigeria-based publisher has been around for years, and continues to increase its journal fleet of over one hundred titles from all areas of study. Seeking legitimacy, it falsely associates itself with authentic organizations and conferences.
Do not do business with the above publishers, including submitting article manuscripts, serving on editorial boards, buying advertising, etc. There are numerous traditional, legitimate journals that will publish your quality work for free, including many legitimate, open-access publishers. If you are involved in any form of scholarly evaluation such as, hiring, tenure / promotion review, or grant funding, be skeptical of articles published by any of these publishers listed above. Reading a list of publications or a vita, it is very difficult to distinguish legitimate journals from the illegitimate ones. One of the tricks the sham publishers use is to assign authentic-sounding and appearing titles to their journals. The presence of these bogus publishers has changed the task of scholarly evaluation, which now needs a keener eye to discern articles published in fraudulent journals.

By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 20 Jan 2012 18:57:34 +0000 “Seeking legitimacy, it falsely associates itself with authenticorganizations and conferences.”

I see no evidence for the word “falsely” in the above quote. Maybe my readers do not know that Nigeria has more inhabitants than Russia. I am very grateful for what the journal is doing for the world.

By: PassingByAgain Fri, 20 Jan 2012 16:03:58 +0000 BTW, Jason of “El Naschie Watch” found a very interesting text written by a librarian at University of Colorado Denver. Check who’s first on the “List of Predatory Open Access Publishers”:….shers-2012

YES, it’s the publisher of “African Journal of Mathematics”… ;-)

Here is Jason’s original post:

By: AnthonyL Fri, 20 Jan 2012 06:28:00 +0000 @Tottoli Precisely. The public disclaimer of any expectation of strangelets and the presence of a rather large detector (though somewhat misplaced and less likely than normal to detect its game) is sufficiently incongruent to show the two faces of CERN in crystal clarity.

It is not helpful when CERN says one thing and does another.

Your url to get the first fifty Comments is correct and here it is in full

By: AnthonyL Fri, 20 Jan 2012 06:20:33 +0000 Hmm..PasserBy has turned as evasive at he claims Rossler has been. But now Rossler has laid it on the line as best he can, it is time for PassingBy and his jeering squad to do the same, surely. Fair is fair, even on the irresponsible Web.

Kindly read my post again PBy. It is not that obscure. It addresses styles of thought and whether the highest plane of genius may be above you. If not, kindly let us know with show and tell to match the eminent chaos theorist Rossler of Tubingen.

if this is beyond you at the present time, I can lend you my panga with which I am clearing a path on the Rossler give-it-a-try post thread at , after we reach the oasis of new understanding which the Professor has in mind.

By: Niccolò Tottoli Fri, 20 Jan 2012 02:36:58 +0000 Oh — I thought my first comment has been blocked… But all right. Thanks.

By: Niccolò Tottoli Fri, 20 Jan 2012 02:22:16 +0000 Dear Anthony L Thanks for your great comment – quite deep. But to ‘linger‘ is perhaps not all.
You write “self-contradictions and inadequacies of the CERN publications and actions (in setting up detectors etc).“
Oh yes, since a long time CERN/LSAG tell “strangelets are unlikely to be produced” but they have the CASTOR (Centauro And STrange Object Research-detector), to search for the strangelets — strange.
Best regards, Niccolò

Dear all if you like to go on page one of this topic you can add “/comment-page-1” at the end of the url.

By: Niccolò Tottoli Fri, 20 Jan 2012 01:30:33 +0000 Dear Anthony I am not sure whether I understand you or not — perhaps my language barrier. To my mind it is important to tell that CERNs cosmic ray argument is wrong and that such frontal collisions of pairs of equally fast protons with LHC design energy have very, very probably never happened in our entire solar system since its existence. If this often repeated pseudo general safety argument would be correct then most risks could be automatically denied — but unfortunately this is not the case. Best regards, Niccolò

Here is the link to page 1 of this blog theme:

By: PassingByAgain Thu, 19 Jan 2012 22:59:06 +0000 HUH? What are all these ramblings supposed to mean? Have you caught Rossler’s virus? Go work on the “Attempto” manifesto, it will keep you busy for the foreseeable future… ;-)
