Comments on: Attempto: Let Me Give It a Try Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 27 Jan 2012 10:35:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Otto E. Rössler Fri, 27 Jan 2012 10:35:01 +0000 The Cologne Administrative Court endorsed Professor Johnson’s position on January 27, 2011.

The planetary law community is refusing to respond to both : Why?

By: AnthonyL Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:08:22 +0000 Quote from Johnson:

“My motivation in writing is certainly not to engender fear. I have no
apprehension to share. Nor is it my intent or my desire to shut down the LHC. Mine is not a policy argument. Frankly, my research for this article has intensified my armchair interest in seeing what results from the LHC’s novel experiments. My argument is one of law. My conviction is that, when a blackhole case arrives on a docket, no court should abdicate its role as a bursar of equity, even where, as here, the socio-political pressure to abstain will be immense, the factual terrain will be intensely intellectually challenging, and the jurisprudential conundrums are legion. At the end of the day, whether the LHC represents an intolerable danger is, in my view, an open question. I have not
endeavored to provide a definitive answer. But I think the courts should.

It is part of our 21st Century reality that we must take seriously a number of surreal planetary disaster scenarios. In that sense, the synthetic-black-hole disaster is not unique. For some time now, we have been confronted with the possibility of nuclear war and global climate change. In the future, we may have to remove still more scenarios from the science fiction category and place them on a list of real worries. Someday, we may need to seriously consider catastrophic threats from nanotechnology, genetic engineering, or artificial intelligence. Each one of these human-made global disaster scenarios involves incredibly complex questions of science, engineering, and mathematics. Courts
must develop tools to deal meaningfully with such complexity. Otherwise, the wildly expanding sphere of human knowledge will overwhelm the institution of the courts and undo the rule of law—just when we need it most. ”

Thus, this is a proper Lifeboat topic, and the implications are enormous, and the discussion here is a public service in itself. It is the moral and social responsibility of informed participants in the CERN adventure such as Hansel to give up taking endless ineffective potshots against Rossler’s personality and discuss the enormous issue at stake.

By: AnthonyL Thu, 26 Jan 2012 19:53:26 +0000 Johnson, not John, sorry.

By: AnthonyL Thu, 26 Jan 2012 19:44:00 +0000 One way to start might be to ask you to find a single misleading statement in Eric John’s account, at

You should be able to find something, surely, in 89 pages (sorry, pp 819 to 908, which is 89, not 91).

By: AnthonyL Thu, 26 Jan 2012 19:38:02 +0000 @Hansel Dear H, it is charming that you write such a full reply to my request that you finally say something cogent in general terms about Rossler’s scheme, but it would be more valuable if you actually did so. I can find nothing in what you say which amounts to a hill of beans on the topic or takes it a step further. You claim that you find that the critics don’t appreciate your expertise and their lack of it is the problem, but you have given no indication that you have even read the safety arguments peddled by CERN itself properly. If you had you would know that they are perfectly well understood by cirticsd and even journalists such as myself and in fact their flaws are obvious to any member of the public who cares to follow the argument.

Apparently it is only yourself who believes that the flaws dont exist and are made up by the imaginative untutored readers who criticize them. You need to read the references you are given before you are qualified to criticize the complaints as caused by lack of understanding of CERN simple safety reasoning, some of which was actually intended for the general public.

Sorry you have conducted your skirmishes with the critics on blogs for years now, but I predict that they would continue without effect for years to come until you actually read the material being discussed. Why not start with Eric Johnson, as I suggested. There are 97 pages to make everything clear to you at

Perhaps you might then rise to the meta level occupied by Prof Rossler, and actually be able to critique what he says to some effect, without thinking that your expertise automatically debunks it. What we are talking about here is the design of a bridge, not the nuts and bolts of putting it together. Your expertise is the latter, according to your own posts.

The outcome of ever rising energy levels at the LHC remains to be properly analyzed in terms that take into account very general claims and assertions by many physicists who differ on the bridge design or meta level. You have yet to show that you can discuss things to advantage on this level. I am sure you can, but you don’t seem to be willing to try.

I have faith in you Hansel! Please try it.

By: Niccolò Tottoli Thu, 26 Jan 2012 12:55:51 +0000 Dear all
Hansel wrote: “For example no one here thought a second about whether there could be a reason for ome detectors except the principle ability of the instrument to detect strangelets (the detector by the way was build and designed long before the results of RHIC were completely evaluated, another point).”

Strangelets and how CERN´s documents contradict its safety assurance:
CERN-physicists say that higher collision energies produce more massive strangelets also.

It is known that CERN/LSAG does not tell much about the differences between cosmic ray collisions and collisions at the LHC, but have you seen the following phrase (see end of abstract)?
“Because of the much larger mass number, Pb-Pb events can be expected to show exotic phenomena that is beyond the reach of cosmic rays.“

Best regards to all.

By: Niccolò Tottoli Sun, 22 Jan 2012 16:33:31 +0000 And Hansel: The decreased decay rate of fast particles due to time dilatation is a nice example.

By: Niccolò Tottoli Sun, 22 Jan 2012 16:13:50 +0000 Dear Hansel and friends
It makes practically no difference, whether a car drives with 100km per hour into a wall or the wall moves with the same speed into the car. But at nearly the speed of light the following becomes important.
You have two coordinate systems of two particle collisions: One coordinate system is moving relative to the other.
It is possible to convert the moving coordinate system into a “center of mass”-coordinate system and for example it is right that the collision energy will be the same.
But the conversion of a moving coordinate system into the “center of mass”-coordinate system gives wrong results regarding the velocity, distribution and phenomena of the (secondary) collision particles and fields. Therefore not only the collision for itself must be considered but also the reference systems and the matter which is crossed by the (secondary) particles. Thank you.

By: Niccolò Tottoli Sun, 22 Jan 2012 12:22:08 +0000 Dear Hansel (and who ever)
I still read the comments here. Hansel you write: “The nonsense which is currently written about cosmic ray arguments in other sections is a good example for that. Together with totally wrong views about dimensions and foreces on nuclears scales some people construct differences which are simply not present — the experts know, the laymen not.“
Why do you try to give a wrong impression here and why do you tell it here and not answer my questions in the safety conference theme?
It is very easy to tell such a phrase. So would you be so kind to tell me how many % of my points regarding the (false) cosmic ray argument of LSAG would be wrong (and why) or can you explain me in detail (not vage) why a single one of my arguments regarding this would be wrong? I am still waiting here or in the safety conference theme for your criticism. But please not somewhere else, right?
Thank you.

By: Pinky, the gothic mouse Sat, 21 Jan 2012 19:37:14 +0000 Mr. Rössler!

Your “friend Konrad Lorenz” was a supporter of Nazi-fascism and a bloody racist. He wrote in 1940: “The racial idea as the basis of our political system has already infinitely done much in this direction.” With “this direction” he meant the eradication of what he thought are “asocial cells” and “ethical inferior”. Even in writings of the 70s he repeated this ideology. You are proud of him? You try to use his “authority”? Disgusting!

For more quotations and references see (in German language, but quite detailed):

Pinky, the gothic mouse
