Comments on: Selective Non-quotation Is CERN’s Wunderwaffe Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 07 Dec 2011 04:55:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Houston Wed, 07 Dec 2011 04:55:34 +0000 Black holes are scary business, best to avoid, not to produce — as the fools of CERN are trying to do.

Today’s cover of my local paper, the NY Times (Tues. Dec. 6, 2011), shows a giant black hole with the caption, “Stay back. It swallowed a billion stars.” The Times reports the discovery of the two largest black holes ever found, both at the center of large galaxies. One is a monster that devoured 21 billion solar masses. See:

The article points out that “the galaxy is littered with stellar-mass black holes… And there seem to be giant ones in the heart of every galaxy.” It also notes: “In the early days of the universe, quasars, thought to be powered by giant black holes in cataclysmic feeding frenzies, were fountaining energy into space.”

“Where are those quasars now? The new work supports a growing suspicion that those formerly boisterous black holes are among us now, but, having stopped their boisterous growth, are sleeping.”

This suggests that a voracious “feeding frenzy” may characterize black hole growth, as in Dr. Rossler’s “mini-quasar principle.” It is consistent with his statement above “that black holes…cannot but grow exponentially inside earth…”
