Comments on: Brief Critique: The New God Argument Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:30:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Felton Keith (@jfkii) Thu, 26 Apr 2012 13:21:32 +0000 You are correct.

By: Jonathan Cannon Wed, 14 Mar 2012 19:13:57 +0000 Do I understand the dis-incentives for a creator to intervene with his/her creations approximately correctly?

Physics dis-Incentives: If I understand it correctly, this asserts that intervention would require modification of the laws of physics at various arbitrary points in time and space.

Management dis-Incentives: Why manage your creation when you can just make another one a little different until you get the best result? With unlimited resources for creation, having all the failed attempts as reference is actually beneficial to optimizing your creation.

Economic dis-Incentives: In a situation free of competition for resources, a creator won’t have economic incentive for intervening in the lives of his/her offspring because the creator has everything he/she could want. In a competitive situation, the creator will have dis-incentives for helping out his/her offspring. So the best case scenario is no incentive, and the worst is competition with the creations.

By: James Felton Keith Mon, 12 Dec 2011 20:28:15 +0000 Thanks John for all of the links.

I would like to start by stating that the cosmic process is not just light. There’s also some darkness out there (in here), that we don’t understand well at all (as I’m sure you are aware), but in lieu of the lack of physical understandings about the light and dark around us, we can understand incentives through and evaluation of those that create and retract the value in our human experience.

While there should always be room for speculation and speculatively inspired exploration, the economic incentives still don’t show how a creator of light or super-physics has the incentive to intervene in the being of its creations. It wouldn’t add or subtract form the value of the human (+human) experience.

By: John Sat, 10 Dec 2011 00:58:45 +0000 What if God is Conscious Light and all of this, that is the entire Cosmic Process, is Light, the Energy of Consciousness?
And what if, somehow via the mysterious super-physics of everything altogether with all of its space-time paradoxes, this Infinitely Radiance Conscious Light consciously chose to incarnate in a human form?
And wrote a book describing how this Process occurred, and the revolutionary cultural implications of His appearance here.

And then patiently examined every aspect of human culture for 36 years.
Culminating in 5 books especially these 3

Plus this extraordinary essay on the Singularity or Reality & the Middle via:

By: James Felton Keith Fri, 09 Dec 2011 16:20:15 +0000 ;-) will do.
We will continue to critique concepts developed by man (like the concept of a God) and factor those into our development and deployment of what man will evolve into.

By: VirgilSamms Fri, 09 Dec 2011 16:16:38 +0000 Humans speculating about God is kind of like ants speculating about calculus. Why you think you can argue convincingly on this matter is far beyond my puny intellect.

But knock yourself out.

By: James Felton Keith Fri, 09 Dec 2011 14:52:28 +0000 Virgil, yes there are a lot of links and background happenings here… but allow me to sum it all up for you.

The general ideal in the “new god argument” and the “simulation argument” are that — because we can create simulations now, its is probable that we will do it better in the future, so much so, that we’d create simulations like our own current reality. Its a bit like the “time/space continuum” theories of the 19th century.

My critique or counter argument is: Lets say that we are living in a simulation right now, it is still NOT probable that the creators if a benevolent God like entity that could intervene in our existence. I discredit the likelihood of this because of the lack of incentives that the creators entity would have to intervene, based on another argument that I established through and economic incentive model in my “Integrationalism” essays.

Why is this important? The ways in which we define the moral normative in the near/far future will determine the ways in which we can establish more harmonious interactions between +human individuals. I don’t think that a conservative God-centric faith can provide any value to those interactions, but it actually disincentivizes the harmony that the faithful seek.

By: VirgilSamms Fri, 09 Dec 2011 01:17:31 +0000 I am not following you too well. But I get the idea. I heard a radio interview with Hugo DeGaris several years ago. He was talking about super intelligent machines being able to figure out everything we cannot.

They could.
