Comments on: Why the LHC won’t kill you — the podcast Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:50:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: AnthonyL Mon, 07 Nov 2011 05:55:00 +0000 Strangelets, sorry.

By: AnthonyL Mon, 07 Nov 2011 05:54:28 +0000 “Furthermore the proton is not a hard sphere but a particle composed of many subparticles (lets simplify it this way) so that together with the very high speed a perfct symmetrical collision with is very unlikely.” — eq (who seems to be Hansel, is that correct?)

This seems to be wrong, from what CERN has said. There are some head on collisions which do produce low net momentum bits and pieces a la road traffic accidents.

There is really no argument with the possibility admitted by all that mBHs will be produced. The issue is what they will do.

And kindly don’t forget stranglets, which are fully expected judging from the detector set up to see them. though in a rather unhelpful location blinded by radiation.

Is there anyone here who can read, and is willing to do so, apart from Houston?

By: AnthonyL Mon, 07 Nov 2011 05:47:33 +0000 Whether Rossler is right or wrong in his theorizing is immaterial to whether his concern about the LHC is misplaced if the several other good minds who predict the same threat are correct.

The discussion should continue as long as people realize that.

Meanwhile Houston’s selective citation is merely the product of an attentive reader’s detection of important admissions. By CERN safety experts authority (G and M) we know that mBHs will linger on Earth. Therefore the risk has to be addressed, unless we all sink into the tra la la stupor some people apparently like to bury their heads in, rather than question the distinguished leaders of the field.

How naive they are. The truth appears to be otherwise ie those who lead almost any field are often the worst read of all experts. Their specialty has to be politics.

Those who defend them also appear to favor playing politics rather than show open minded objectivity about an important question. Apparently they have never lost the tendency to ingratiate themselves with power that possibly proved so successful in their schooldays.

Gentlemen, this is a scientific question. If you have no interest in science per se you shouldn’t discuss it.

By: Hansel Sun, 06 Nov 2011 20:20:26 +0000 BTW, Houston, perhaps you can answer the questions asked by “Nicolai” instead of the great scientist who always avoided to answer this important questions about implications of the Telemach-bullshit.


By: EQ Sun, 06 Nov 2011 16:05:27 +0000 A general question is whether this “black holes” are produced. The few hypotheses (they are not really theories) predicting them are also predicting the decay of this particles…

Rössler has never shown any theoretical sound argument for the formation of this hypothetical particles called “micro black holes”. I am sure that he is not even basically familiar with the few models predicting this particles.

By: Ed Sweet Sun, 06 Nov 2011 15:15:44 +0000 Has anybody actually done any calculations that indicate the fraction of assumed black holes created by the LHC (if any) that would be moving less than 7 miles per second? The commentator “Nicolai” above says that 1 in 100000 black holes made by CERN would be moving at less than 7 miles per second. Where did he come up with this estimate?

Did any CERN physicists come up with an actual calculation?

By: eq Sun, 06 Nov 2011 11:32:10 +0000 Ah, and Houstobn, again you forgot that there is a collision angle so there are not perfect head on collisions. Furthermore the proton is not a hard sphere but a particle composed of many subparticles (lets simplify it this way) so that together with the very high speed a perfct symmetrical collision with is very unlikely.

I would recoommend to you to read a proper book about the experiment.

By: eq Sun, 06 Nov 2011 11:10:51 +0000 certainly not if you look at his mathematical abilities or his selective citation style

By: Ed Sweet Sun, 06 Nov 2011 10:44:18 +0000 Who is Robert Houston anyway, and why is he so convinced that the LHC will destroy the Earth? What is his background? Physicist? Engineer?

By: eq Sun, 06 Nov 2011 10:22:44 +0000 I am not Nicolai…Houston, you are becoming paranoid.
