Comments on: Stupi-CERN, Stupi-Europe, Stupi-Netanjahu, Stupi-Ahmadinejad Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:48:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hansel Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:48:39 +0000 EQ, we should leave Rössler alone now. There will be no answer because he can not answer this either because he is aware of the consequences for his “theorem” or because he simply can not do it. It is meaningless to discuss any longer with this old scaremongerer who delivered in months of discussion not one serious argument. This discussions prove for any scientist in the world that Rössler has nothing to show, no proof, no scientific paper absolutely nothing than buzzwords filled with hot air. It was also proven that the last thing he is interested in is a serious discussion of his “theorem” and therefore he is also not really interested in a “safety conference” where exactly the same questions would be asked.

The case is closed, Rössler had his chance, he failed period. There is nothing more to say.

By: EQ Sun, 27 Nov 2011 21:04:54 +0000 Rössler, you have failed again. The question is the derivation of your equation. How is it exactly related to the equation given by Einstein?

I should mention again that physical theories are about physcial quantities like time, not units of measurement. Something like length of a second is, as was shown countless times before, meaningless esoteric.

So last chance, Rössler. Give the exact derivation and connecntion between the two equations. If you don’t do so, stop bothering any scientist again. They have much beeter things to do with their time then listening to an old cracnk unable to define his own equations.

By: Otto E. Rössler Sun, 27 Nov 2011 19:14:36 +0000 The world knows in the meantime that all Hansi-EQ can say is: “kannitverstan.”

Is there really no one who can disprove Einstein’s eq.(1) that I quoted (with periods instead of times)? No one would be happier than Einstein that at long last the error in his whole system has been pinpointed. No black holes then any more.

Sorry I insulted you by trying to save your life, my friend.

By: EQ Sat, 26 Nov 2011 22:35:36 +0000 This is the last chance, Rössler.

If you can not answer again no one will care about you anymore. It is proven then that you are not a scientist and definitely not interested in a serious discussion of your stuff and therefore not interested in a serious safety conference. In fact you would have shown then that you yourself are not believing in a real danger and that all your concerns are nothing but a propaganda vehicle for entering the big stage to satisfy your ego and to continue your private crusade against science. If your concerns would be real you would have shown the derivation long before. In contrast you are insulting people and so on.

(Telemach is in fact not a theorem, it is not even a paper. Normally no one would care about it in this non-defined, vague pamphlet filled with buzzwords, non-sequiturs and obvious non-understanding of basic concepts of general relativity theory. And now we have the proof that the author is not even able to derive the simple (and wrong) equations..)

By: EQ Sat, 26 Nov 2011 22:25:09 +0000 It seems that you ave not understood anything Rössler. If someone obviously has to ask his peers, it is you.

The world is waiting for your derivation of the eq1 as shown in your crap-paper.

Einsteins equation: tdown=tup/(1+z)

And now the world wants to see the exact connection between your eq1 and this equation.

Meaningless blabla like the text above reveals only your inability. In fact it is a capitulation.

By: Otto E. Rossler Sat, 26 Nov 2011 20:55:30 +0000 You cannot even say what you don’t understand.

Say it and I shall answer. Someone who still believes he can find a counterproof in principle should never be stopped from starting.

And if you have said it before and I did not understand, please, say it anew in a falsifiable manner. Even a “I kannitverstan Theorem” should be put up in a falsifiable manner. Please, try again. And let your peers help you. I do not say it is impossible to falsify Telemach only because my colleagues Nicolai and ‘t Hooft are too weak to do so. Show your strength. The floor is yours.

By: EQ Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:33:14 +0000 BTW, the person not understanding is obviously not me.

By: EQ Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:32:47 +0000 Rössler, stop this ridiculous chatting and give the derivation. Nothing else matters here.

By: Otto E. Rossler Sat, 26 Nov 2011 16:51:41 +0000 The world is not interested in anonymous persons crying out loud
“I am too small to understand!“
Tell who you are or deliver a counterproof, Hansi-EQ-TRGM-lein, or quit.

By: EQ Sat, 26 Nov 2011 12:50:57 +0000 1998 there was no derivation of your eq 1 from Einsteins. There was no precise connection.

1998 — the non-defined and therefore absolutely useless diagram will not help you. BTW, there are still pen questions about the axis you strangely have not answered to ever — what a surprise :D

But here and now only your precise mathematical derivation of the telemach eq 1 from Einsteins equation matters. It is strange that instead of showing it straightforward you prefer to chat and insult around…obviosly the danger is not that great.
