Comments on: Life expectancy and Fibonacci: Nature has designed us to live indefinitely Safeguarding Humanity Wed, 09 Nov 2011 19:00:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marios Kyriazis Wed, 09 Nov 2011 19:00:51 +0000 I am not suggesting that life expectancy has already increased from 8 to 13 years etc. I am suggesting that it should increase. In general terms, life expectancy has already increased by
0 years for those aged 20 years
by 1 year for those aged 30 years
by 1 year for those aged 40 years
by 1 years for those aged 50
by 2 years for those aged 60
by 3 years for those aged 70
by 5 years for those aged 80
by 8 years for those aged 90 and
by 13 years for those aged 100.

The numbers 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13 form a Fibonacci sequence (with the odd exception of the 50 year age group). IF this sequence is meant to continue, then the increase for future age groups would be continuing the Fibonacci sequence, which is 21,34,55, 89 etc.

The maximum lifespan limit of 120 years will, in my opinion become obsolete as new developments in Synthetic Biology, stem cells, technology and the Global Brain become more widespread. Valuable components of the Global Brain (i.e. those humans who have a meaningful connection with it) will be retained rather than be allowed to age and die.

By: Joscha Bach Tue, 08 Nov 2011 23:11:51 +0000 Maybe I misunderstand your idea, but are you suggesting that the life expectancy of the average American increased from 8 to 13 to 21 years and so on? Probably not. So where exactly did you spot the Fibonacci sequence?

Also, did you notice that while the average life expectancy increases, the maximum does not? Thus, a 120 year old has a much higher probability of not surviving the next year than a 90 year old, and the 90 year old than the 80 year old? So, where do you draw your bold conclusions from?
