Comments on: CERN: Stop Representing Anti-Science! Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 02 Dec 2011 17:06:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Free Fri, 02 Dec 2011 17:06:01 +0000 There is one incontestable fact of globalisation: CERN corporation – last and most powerful scientific Dictatorship in Europe.

By: Hansel Sat, 19 Nov 2011 14:06:33 +0000 Blabla, Rössler. Meaningless blabla.

The answer of a real scientist would look different. But we all know, you are not a real scientist.

By: Otto E. Rossler Sat, 19 Nov 2011 12:42:12 +0000 Anonymous kids make meek claims of inability to understand. Maybe a real scientist — with a name to him or her which is the defining difference — can fulfill the expectations of the lay people on the world at large and come up with a counterproof to Telemach?

Or else at long last a medium of stature like Herald Tribune or Time Magazine or Sciam can muster the courage to interview professor Hermann Nicolai or professor Gerard ‘t Hooft? Or else report on the fact that these eminent colleagues by virtue of their being CERN members are bound by the order to keep their mouths shut regarding indexed scientific literature – like this was today exhibited by the Gran Sasso-CERN cooperation — ?

The most competent man to ask is professor Robert M. Wald. And, in the upper age bracket it is, of course professor Wolfgang Rindler who had responded kindly to Telemachus on his first contact with the lad. I feel the planet has a right to learn what the best scientists of the world have to say, has it not?

By: Hansel Sat, 19 Nov 2011 11:23:49 +0000 There must be a reason why Rössler never defined anything or gave the connection between his “quantities” and the equations of general relativity.

By: PassingByAgain Sat, 19 Nov 2011 11:15:07 +0000 Houston, you seem to believe — just as AnthonyL — that Rossler refers to the period of the clock. Then read my post above — it applies to you as well. And FYI, “wavelength” (for a wave) is a length in space; “period” (for a clock) is a length in time; “temporal wavelength of the light waves emitted by the clock” is just some jumble that Rossler made up and you bought because it sounded sciencey. You should go back to your textbooks and try to read past the very first pages… ;-)

By: Hansel Sat, 19 Nov 2011 10:53:39 +0000 So you have less ticks that are longer, both changed with the factor (1+z)? Thats exactly what TRMG has proven as leading to wrong results/conclusions.

By the way, repeating non-defintions instead of giving a clear definition is not a definition.
So again PBAs question:

1) it is precisely clear to you what he means by “temporal wavelength of the light waves”. In this case you should be able to provide a PHYSICAL DEFINITION for it (no “tick tock”, please);

And, again, what is the connection between Einsteins equation tdown=tup/(1+z) and Rösslers? So far he could never give a mathematical and physical clear connection.…

By: Robert Houston Sat, 19 Nov 2011 05:22:49 +0000 CERN scientists are regimented into obedience to anti-scientific attitudes based on wishful thinking and a disregard for contrary information. It’s a form of magical thinking: the LHC is safe because we say it’s so. A striking example of this authoritarian attitude was uncovered by the New Yorker magazine (May 14, 2007) in an interview with Dr. Jos Engelen, CERN’s then chief science officer.:

“Engelen said that CERN officials are now instructed, with respect to the L.H.C.’s world-destroying potential, not to say that the probability is very small but that the probability is zero.’”

PBA asked the meaning of “temporal wavelength”. As he surely knows, the wavelength is the period between comparable points in a cycle, e.g., crest to crest, or blip to blip. In a slowdown the frequency of cycles is reduced and the temporal wavelength is increased, e.g. the period between blips becomes relatively longer — even if seemingly normal to the “locals”.

By: PassingByAgain Fri, 18 Nov 2011 10:50:13 +0000 AnthonyL, let me ask you again: what is the physical definition of “temporal wavelength of the light waves emitted by the equal clocks in question”, as the new and improved version of “telemach” reads?

From your hopelessly vague words above: “Temporal means related to time, and wavelength means distance between tick and tock of a cesium clock”, you seem to think that this “temporal wavelength of the light waves” is the period (= the time between “tick” and “tock”) of the clock. Rossler would agree with you from time to time (except when he claims that T is a frequency or some sciencey-sounding baloney such as “temporal wavelength”).

However, how do you measure this “tick tock” of yours? If you measure it in local proper time, then the “tick tock” downstairs (in units of proper time downstairs) is just as long as the “tick tock” upstairs (in units of proper time upstairs), because that is the definition of equal clocks. If you measure it in different units, please state which ones.

Anyway, this is just one more rehash of the “longer seconds” nonsense that we’ve been having on this blog for months, and I have by now lost interest in arguing about it with Rossler (I presume that the same happened to TRMG). I have more of an anthropological interest — if you want — in understanding what drives Rossler’s toadies. For example, when you state so assuredly that Rossler “has clarified precisely the term T”, I see two options:

1) it is precisely clear to you what he means by “temporal wavelength of the light waves”. In this case you should be able to provide a physical definition for it (no “tick tock”, please);

2) you have no idea what it means, but you are impressed by it because it sounds difficult and sciencey, then it must be right. In this case… well, you see where I am going ;-)

P.S. I hope you were being ironic about Houston’s “novel algebra” of pints and quarts (but nothing is granted at this stage… ;-)

By: AnthonyL Fri, 18 Nov 2011 06:07:41 +0000 This obviously means that they know what Rossler means by “temporal wavelength”. JW Gacy, AnthonyL, would you please be so kind as to enlighten the rest of us, and provide a physical definition for that latest specimen of Rossler’s sciencey-sounding buzzwords? — PassingByAgin

But Houston has explained this very well, PBA, according to his novel mathematical algebra drawn from the very first pages of a textbook, and endorsed by the Professor. Temporal means related to time, and wavelength means distance between tick and tock of a cesium clock, so what we have here is a tick tock downstairs which is longer than the tick tock upstairs in the rocket, so that the clock downstairs take longer to tick tock than the clock upstairs, so it registers a shorter time downstairs in that tick tock than the one upstairs.

I am amazed that you haven’t cottoned on to this PassingBy. TRMG apparently has, since he has registered no objection despite the fact that earlier he was aiming to bat every ball bowled by Rossler over the boundary for a six (my metaphor is drawn from cricket) but complaining that they were all googlies which travel in a corkscrew path like a knuckleball and are very hard to hit,

If you have an objection to this, PBA, please register it in chapter and verse, unless you are waiting for TRMG to return from whatever has pulled him away.

By: steve nerlich Fri, 18 Nov 2011 02:13:37 +0000 “Is an attempt at everyone’s life (if my results are correct) not in a very sad tradition, dear Steve?”

That’s a mighty big ‘if’ Otto ;-)

And no, alleging ‘an attempt at everyone’s life’ is not the same thing as alleging anti-semistism. The latter is alleging racial prejudice.
