Comments on: ISDHuB – Supporting for 100 years Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:50:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: amalie Wed, 26 Oct 2011 18:46:34 +0000 I expect you will , people sometimes get what they ask for

By: Gary Church Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:23:30 +0000 “can’t wait to see the frozen global graveyard awaiting resurrection”

You are a glass half empty person it seems. You can select yourself out of existence if you want, I prefer to live.

By: amalie Tue, 25 Oct 2011 03:41:34 +0000 Oh lovely, I can’t wait to see the frozen global graveyard awaiting resurrection. If human life is so valuable and of course it is inestimable , why has it been so very difficult to figure out how all human birth would at least have the clear necessity for survival , let alone any post mortem recovery. The ramifications for the “great rescue” plan are also religious ones , what happens to human souls if they are summoned back to previous corporeal habitats for instance.

By: GaryChurch Mon, 24 Oct 2011 21:41:00 +0000 Cryopreservation is the critical technology for star flight. But the ramifications are incredible. A “great rescue” would start the moment a way to freeze people and revive them is made public. The entire planet would be scrambling to put our elderly and terminally ill into “cryostasis” or whatever term is eventually to be used.

I know it is going to happen. It is just a question of when.

By: amalie Mon, 24 Oct 2011 19:48:10 +0000 See online for more information on Hangar One. wikepedia, website NASA Ames, Save Hangar One Committee is local group for rehabilitation issues. Also Air Space West Foundation for aspect via Smithsonian Institute. At present ISDHuB is open concept for multi-use prospectus .
A time frame for H1 rehabilitation, planning and phased implementations is about two years 2012/2013 which fits with the 100 yss study schedule.
I hope that Lifeboat might construe as some partner for the project, depending on circumstance, We should know something more once the DARPA award is made , at least for the possibility of 100yss enterprise establishing as ISDHuB central focus and integrated mission.

By: Eric Hunting Mon, 24 Oct 2011 17:40:44 +0000 I like the theme in this article of the starship as more than a literal means of transportation but also a cultural vehicle of scientific, environmental, and social progress. I think this notion synchronizes well with DARPA’s original stated intensions for 100YSS–which seem to be commonly overlooked. A key difference between the Space Race of the past and the bureaucratic space agencies of today is the shared cultural imperative of the Space Race spanning even across the Cold War geopolitical divides. Nationalist competition, certainly, but there was an aspiration of the ultimate ‘prize’ being civilizations’ collectively. Today, space has no clear purpose on a social level, no definitive cultural aspiration, and thus its pursuit has become the private interest of a bureaucratically cloistered community of specialists and an extravagant easily-mocked hobby for a few upper-class eccentrics. There is a fundamental cynicism in our contemporary western culture toward any notion of a positive future. We’ve now very comfortable with dystopia. Our sense of humor is a gallows humor liberally seasoned in schadenfreude. And so it is difficult to merely cheerlead for space. One must find new ‘hooks’ for its cultural relevance. Links to contemporary issues. Ways to make it important to our everyday lives. And, most importantly, new means of social participation.

I would be interested in learning more about the ISDhub, its purpose, functions, and physical facilities. This article could have used more detail on that, given that it’s in the title.

By: amalie Mon, 24 Oct 2011 05:00:42 +0000 The present human migration is probably only to discover something more about where we are already. Expansion into the solar system takes a long time, a first task for any space development paradigm would be to create a sustainable planet. Reason why is to survive, but then the economics of survival are not going to be up for sale.

By: Tihamer Toth-Fejel Mon, 24 Oct 2011 04:12:56 +0000 I don’t think your vision is adequately informed by previous human migrations, either by individual human psychology or by economics.

Most of the settlers in the New World were running away from something (oppression because of religion, death sentence because of crime, etc.,) or were hoping to make lots of money. The two most successful colonies (Jamestown and Salt Lake City) were founded when the cost for the technology for establishing them dropped to the point where a hundred or so upper-middle class citizens could sell their businesses and homes to buy passage and tools for their families to live in the new lands. But more important, they needed an overriding reason to do this, and in both cases, they wanted to be free to practice their religion freely.
