Comments on: The Nature of the Identity, with Reference to Androids Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 29 Aug 2011 02:31:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: albert Mon, 29 Aug 2011 02:31:56 +0000 Hey there,
Nice analysis, indeed, thank you. AI cannot be attained ever…but a good replication that seems to be conscious can when software and hardware becomes sophisticated. The possibility of a replicant, as in Blade Runner, is very far off. A replicant, however, is not a conscious entity and is only doing what the software tells it to do. A human brain is absolutely different, as well as its true power source. Assimo in Japan is coming along really well. Amazing what that robot can do!

To have a separate and conscious self (which is what a sentient life form is) requires an impulse wholly beyond the physical world, emotional world and mental world. We make a very big mistake when we equate our identity and life-force with the mind or any of its functions, including feeling or actions by the body. In fact, this is the biggest lie of all! No one truly knows who they are because “consciousness” is not of the mind; conscious life-force comes from somewhere else (subject matter for another day). This life-force is embedded and pervades the entire sentient organism; the human being is the apex of life that we are currently aware of. When death supervenes it is clear that the life-force leaves both the body and mind…that is why the human frame, including the brain, begins to putrify after a day or two. It is the consciousness that provided the cohesion for all the separate elements and, through percolation throughout the body, enlivens every cell, etc. The great nemesis is that there is no methodology which exists in empirical science that will ever be able to detect or measure consciousness. Science can only measure “effects” in the form of electro-chemical signals, as they travel via neurons and the nervous system. To actually engage in a scientific investigation to find the source of one’s consciousness requires an internal science, a means to penetrate the brain internally with one’s own awareness. Please see: Thanks alot.
