Comments on: OSAMA BIN CERN Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 01 Jul 2011 19:23:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Otto E. Rossler Fri, 01 Jul 2011 19:23:24 +0000 Every human being is involved in every human rights violation.

You did not specify any link between this particular sad case which has the sympathy and support of every human being of good will and the fact — unless disproved which is my sole request for three years — that all children and their parents are acutely threatened by CERN’s current behavior.

By: Richard Kane Tue, 28 Jun 2011 01:13:50 +0000 Otto Rossler,
If Black Holes are dangerous but can be controlled like nuclear power, it would be unlikely that we wouldn’t implode the world long before we could figure out how to control them. Nevertheless I don’t like the idea of al Qaeda being determined to understand them, or Adlene Hicheur answering their questions. If France acted in other areas like the research is dangerous, I would not fault them for arresting someone who was tutoring al Qaeda on black hole research. Anyway I think you and other critics of dangerous research would make your message clearer if you were much involved in his case.

By: Otto E. Rössler Mon, 27 Jun 2011 07:33:35 +0000 Every innocent person has a right to freedom.

The planet has a right to be freed from the threat to be shrunk to 2 cm in a few years’ time, too.

There is the wonderful human rights act. I turned to the International Court for Crimes Against Humanity three years ago. They never respondended so far.

By: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 02:57:01 +0000 The title of this blog essay is “OSAMA BIN CERN”, but neither Otto nor any commentator related Osama to CERN. The best know connection is that Osama bin Laden was very interested in CERN and the French government very concerned that al Qaeda is interested. One scientist was arrested due to this.

The difference between those interested in CERN due to good reasons or bad reasons, must relate to our biology rather than the reasoning modals we created. The same genes we have had since we separated from the monkey might get us killed.

Harm can be intended or accidental. When engaging in negative behavior like drinking, than also driving can get one in serious trouble, but talking on the phone is considered positive behavior, so those talking on the phone while driving get less seriously punished and less seriously scrutinized while also driving and arrested for both the punishment for driving while texting or talking might be as serious as drunk driving, even if the threat charges were dropped.

Never has research been conducted in a more civil, more cooperative manner, than collider particle research. During previous scientific races such as the quest for Absolute Zero, scientists temporarily kept secrets from each other in order to try to be sure to get a Noble prize. Fudging results and claims of the same can plague other scientific endeavors.

But something happened that broke the tremendous spirit of cooperation on LHC research, an al Qaeda operative asked CERN researcher Adlène Hicheur some detailed questions which he answered the best he could,
Hicheur was arrested by Switzerland, who released him without charges saying no crime was committed, but was quickly arrested by France and held without charges. Humans and Bobono monkeys can put an injured baby bird back in the nest imagining they are doing the little bird a favor. In our minds it is almost inconceivable that such positive research as collider research, can do any harm unless people involved with groups like al Qaeda take an interest in such research. To change the subject slightly, some find positive religious significance in little charges darting together like part of a chorus line, others seem something very wrong in trying to create “a God Particle” as violating the commandment “Take no other God’s before me”. I guess that it’s due to our genes that positive religious insight is further proof that a collider is safe, or those the quote the Bible is indication that backward religion is further proof that it is safe. It is ironic is the most cooperative behavior humankind ever contemplated, could be the most dangerous. And the least agreeable among us, al Qaeda members, may unintentionally allow us to see that the research is dangerous.

I would like to go further in comparing drunk diving and driving while committing crimes on the phone.

Adlène Hicheur reminds me of an employee in a phone store whose job is to sell phones, and when customer asked a bunch of questions, about keeping the phone calls secret from the government, the sales clerk answered it was very unlikely to do so, but was happy to sell 25 throwaway five dollar phones, Hicheur’s joy in getting new people more interested in scientific discovery ended when he was arrested. And is being held now for over a year without charges. .

At the very least people should demand, especially Otto Rossler, who is persistently, that French judge Judge Christophe Teissier demand that France conducts a safety conference, or else quickly release the otherwise innocent scientist,

By: Otto E. Rossler Sat, 11 Jun 2011 19:48:22 +0000 It is wonderful to read assertions without reference. Why should I lie to you? I have asked to name a single person who says of himself: I have disproved the Telemach theorem. And: here is the counterproof. Then I would stop immediately.

By: TRMG Sat, 11 Jun 2011 18:49:55 +0000 Thanks for the response. I was hoping that someone who, out of concern about the LHC, listens to Rössler actually cared whether what he said was true or even made the slightest bit of sense. I am BTW not aware that he has ever put forward any sound scientific argument to support his allegations against CERN for three years.

Also, this is certainly not the first time he was exposed to a serious flaw in his arguments. Notwithstanding Rössler’s disingenuous account of a “public refusal to look” at his evidence and alleged “orders” not to listen to him, he has been thoroughly refuted many times. He just keeps rehashing the same nonsense in superficially modified form, but never in a way to invalidate or even address any of the preceding criticisms. A result of an earlier iteration of this modification process is his now preferably promoted “Telemach theorem”, which is essentially equivalent to his earlier and long since rebutted “R-Theorem”, but framed in a vaguer, more colloquial language to hinder further criticism, and, of course, enriched by two equally inane non sequiturs—which he calls “proven results”—about “mass” and “charge”. This is his sole strategy in reponse to criticism: rephrase slightly, and fabricate some new “results” once in a while, to keep critics busy. (This is also how is superfluidity “theorem” came about. Try to find some coherent account of it that goes beyond mere assertion.) So, I think your request to revise his arguments will be in vain as they have always been. How some people seemingly still admire him for his integrity is just beyond me.

By: KeithCu Sat, 11 Jun 2011 07:13:37 +0000 Thank you for finding an error in Otto’s work. So Otto, fix your bug and then make a new announcement of what you have found. I am glad someone typed up his mistake. That was not a bug I was capable of finding ;-) I stick to software and breathe a sigh of relief that the Europeans aren’t going to destroy the Earth — yet.

By: TRMG Wed, 01 Jun 2011 05:03:21 +0000 “Alternatively, kindly tell me in what way there is a “screamingly obvious contradiction”?”

In the way that if one was true the other must be false, and vice versa.

By: Otto E. Rossler Tue, 31 May 2011 19:06:38 +0000 Thank you — may I ask for a “comprehensible question” from your part?

Alternatively, kindly tell me in what way there is a “screamingly obvious contradiction”? Please, do make it obviousto a slow-thinking kid like me.

By: TRMG Tue, 31 May 2011 18:51:04 +0000 “I came from there in my paper on the gothic-R theorem. ”

Awesome. Unfortunately that doesn’t make your Eq. (1) correct. Are you going to address its screamingly obvious contradiction to the Schwarzschild metric any time soon? Or will you continue trying to convince everybody that posing as “black hole specialist” with serious research papers on the subject-matter is an acceptable substitute for a comprehensible answer?
