Comments on: Don’t be a Tiger Mom CEO — Celebrate Failure Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 25 Mar 2011 18:17:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tiger Moms Network Tue, 15 Mar 2011 19:23:03 +0000 From Tiger Moms Parenting Battle Hymn #fb/Professors.Forum and Twitter@TigerMomsNet

Many Americans berate Tiger Mother Amy Chua that as a parent she doesn’t allow failure (<A) and stress how important failure is to success.

These Americans lack basic reasoning logic: If Tiger Cub can score A+s in any subject, she MUST go thru learning curve to peak-mastery.

Cognitive theory: without thousands of times practice, one can’t pass know, understand, apply, analyze, synthesize to evaluate-mastery.

Tiger Cubs’ve put all failures before production under Tiger push, thereby going thru a longer-winding trial-and-error process than any other.

A misconception by most Americans that Tiger Mother not tolerate errors: WRONG, Tiger Mother does tolerate errors only before testing.

Many Americans argue US CEOs have been growing via Trial-and-Errors, the more errors they’ve made, the more successful they become.

But if every employee put each error in firm’s working place, most likely the firm’ll go out of business due to prohibitive cost of trial-&-errors

To avoid prohibitive working trial-and-error costs, employee trainings, lab experiments & computer simulations have been introduced.

Why all firms like to hire experienced/skilled workers instead of new-horns is because it can cut cost sharply while increasing productivity.

Experienced/skilled workers have put those large trial-and-error costs behind, thereby saving costs for firms in training & production losses.
