Comments on: The Global Brain and its role in Human Immortality Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 21 Feb 2011 19:11:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: WIntelAgency Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:41:51 +0000 Big question.. Are our human biological bodies really only Avatars in another similar system?

“In the fight to flight autonomic response mentioned in my blog:, does a quantum entanglement state kick in? Aid to senses?” So, we don’t only return to it in death of the biological system in which we are currently residing in? What Stuart Hameroff and Penrose are claiming to recoginize in their tests and statistics.
And is this how some humans can ‘see connections in the systemic behaviors, the big picture from actions and reactions, better than others when the fight or flight mechanism kicks in?“

In the Quantum Entanglement — in a systemic sense.. I ask the simple question ;-) Curious lil me.

Are our human biological bodies really only Avatars? Is there really one collective source (system) or big bang to it all?

What if there is not any ‘one’ source system beginning our Universe (no one big bang or no one big system?) What if there are many ‘extra dimensional’ systems that have already extended new density layered spaces to expand expression upon an ever expanding canvas? Similar to how we created cyberspace (from the very fabrics of a multitude of human systems developing ARPANET, to the web, to virtual Worlds and Universes), wherein we (multiple human biological systems) are merely, in a sense, avatars created in a new defined space ‘density layer’ in light for other extra dimensional intelligences out there to extend through (escaping their own womb based system)?

Think about our own process in defining the internet / cyberspace and building upon it (extending ourselves into it). It wasn’t any one ‘entity’ that divined and built this new virtual cyberspace (no one big bang either). No one thought. It was several to now millions of us entities here on earth in a wave creatively building & extending (mimicking our space system; to pour out our memetic beings into). So, are we Avatars of millions within another dimension extending themselves into (similar to the processes of our own programmed DNA/RNA branching through outer space via pans spermia)? What do you think? Yes, it takes imagination and creativity to even consider this that we are merely extensions from a quantum entanglement.

Today we have the Generation Y’s extending themselves through cyberspace with their own personas / Avatars further the quantum. Cyberspace has become a place that we can model what we imagine and believe; and we live and revel in with our soul, lessons learned, emotions, and even act out other behaviors that are more unnatural; i.e., develop multiple personalities (further extending ourselves).
