Comments on: Mixed Messages: Tantrums of an Angry Sun Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:30:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: MrJest Fri, 11 Feb 2011 04:30:28 +0000 @Austin — I work in a facility that has machines which produce CME-like effects (if only for nanoseconds at a time, with hours-long delays between “shots”)… and our biggest customers are those producing next-generation geo-sync satellite systems. They expose sub-assemblies and components to this environment, and find out how best to protect them.

We may not be perfect, but we are aware of the risks and are doing the best we can. :-)


By: Akatsukami Fri, 11 Feb 2011 02:14:41 +0000 @Martin Hale: IIRC Cycle 24 did NOT start two years late; all of the stigmata (such as magnetic pole reversals and latitude of disturbances) were right on schedule. There just weren’t any sunspots…

By: Zachary Urbina Thu, 10 Feb 2011 18:39:46 +0000 @austin simple solutions are often the best solutions.

@skip thank you for differentiating between anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism.

Thank you all for your insightful comments and ongoing vibrant discussion.

By: SkipKent Thu, 10 Feb 2011 18:10:19 +0000 “(I) do not yet understand why these events are occurring in (my wife). It could be from a series of occurrences, deep within (her) center, which occurred a million years ago.”

Why not anthropomorphize the sun? I do it to my wife all the time and she’s at LEAST as inscrutable as the sun!

One man’s physics is another man’s pique, I say.

: )

By: Sardonditi Thu, 10 Feb 2011 18:08:05 +0000 Yes, Sardondi, and the arrogance also of the irrationally religious!

The author did not challenge your religious views here; the “gratitude” spoken of in the article is possible whether you want to believe in a Creator or not. That big chip thing on your shoulder isn’t an asteroid, is it?

By: Sardondi Thu, 10 Feb 2011 17:27:36 +0000 “On one hand, Earth is situated so perfectly, so ideally, inside the sun’s habitable zone, that it is impossible not to esteem our parent star with a sense of ongoing gratitude.”

Oh yeah. Let’s bow, even in whimsy, to an amorphous conflagration of gasses. Because that’s funny, right? I mean, really, the idea that man need bow to anything, pssssh. But let’s make sure we put the all-hands mob beat down on even considering the possibility that this infinitely perfect balance and its miraculously fine tolerances, the existence of which you at least have the intellectual honesty to concede, couldn’t possibly be anything but the random result of time on scattered atoms of matter of totally unknown provenance. And all the while secure in the confidence WE make things happen.

Ye gods and little fishes, the smug arrogance of homo scientificus…

By: Louis Wheeler Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:52:51 +0000 You are guilty of anthropomorphic thinking. The Sun is a big hot gas ball. It has patterns defined by its physics, not by any pique toward we humans. The Sun is not a God.

Human Beings live an environment having its own rules which we must adapt to. Sun Spot cycle 24 was long delayed. It is irregular except for producing few Sun Spots. We have gone through this pattern before, look up Maunder Minimum in Google. Big solar disturbances are possible during a low Sun Spot cycle. It is foolish not to look at the big picture and compare our current cycle with previous ones. If you did, you would find that Solar Activity is low and the heat output from the Sun is below normal. This is partly responsible for the cold winters we have been experiencing since 2006.

Science does not yet understand why these events are occurring in the Sun. It could be from a series of occurrences, deep within the center, which occurred a million years ago. It takes about that long for the energy from fusion to make its way to the surface.

By: Michael G Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:35:49 +0000 “In addition to providing the source of all energy to our home planet Earth…”

Oil may be stored solar energy but you forget nuclear. Once the oil’s gone, nuclear will be the main source of energy assuming we haven’t forgotten how to build the infrastructure.

By: Martin Hale Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:07:26 +0000 OK, this isn’t particularly new or revelatory information. How about putting this information into a broader context. Like the fact that the sun varies in a number of reasonably predictable ways. There’s the ~11 year Schawbe cycle. There’s the ~22 year Hale cycle. There’s the ~87 year Gließberg cycle. There’s the ~210 year Suess cycle. There’s the ~2,300 year Hallstadt cycle. All of which affect the occurrence of solar “tantrums”.

Another interesting data point might have been to report that the most recent NASA prediction of where solar cycle 24 (the current solar cycles) was nearly 2 years late in starting and is going to peak at an averaged sunspot number of 58. This number has been revised downward steadily since 2008 when the prediction stood at 130–140. For the sake of reference, that predicted “high” is equivalent to the “high” observed during the Maunder Minimum, which occurred from around 1675 and lasted up to around 1715 The Maunder is associated with the coldest part of the Little Ice Age event which saw the Thames frozen regularly during the winters.

I don’t mean to bust your chops, but if you’re going to communicate scientific information, I do think it would help immensely that you include a little more information for your readers to learn. When you talk about the “tantrums” of our local star, it seems to me that you have some obligation to help your readers put that into focus a little more sharply, otherwise it just seems like gratuitous fear-mongering.

By: Austin Blanco Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:21:41 +0000 Excellent article! As a pilot who depends on GPS I’m well aware of solar flare activity and it’s detrimental effects on our GPS infrastructure, not to mention cellphones and really any other wave-based communications networks. Maybe this is a good argument for keeping some of the old systems (HAM/AM) available as an emergency backup? Or, more likely, we will find ways to harden our systems against these effects…
