Comments on: My Reaction to The Observer’s 20 predictions for the next 25 years Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:50:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Asteroid Miner Mon, 14 Feb 2011 04:59:41 +0000 See:

“Preliminary Analysis of a Global Drought Time Series”  by Barton Paul Levenson, not yet published.

Under BAU [Business As Usual], agriculture and civilization will collapse some time between 2050 and 2055 due to drought caused by GW [Global Warming].

Reference: “The Long Summer” by Brian Fagan and “Collapse” by Jared Diamond. When agriculture collapses, civilization collapses. Fagan and Diamond told the stories of something like 2 dozen previous very small civilizations. Most of the collapses were caused by fraction of a degree climate changes. In some cases, all of that group died. On the average, 1 out of 10,000 survived. We humans could go EXTINCT in 2051. The 1 out of 10,000 survived because he wandered in the direction of food. If the collapse is global, there is no right direction.

We must take extreme action now. Cut CO2 production 40% by the end of 2015. [How to do this: Replace all coal fired power plants with factory built nuclear.] Continuing to make CO2 is the greatest imaginable GENOCIDE. We have to act NOW. Acting in 2049 will not work. Nature just doesn’t work that way. All coal fired power plants must be shut down and replaced with nuclear and renewables. Target date: 2015.

Prediction: At least 4 Billion people will starve to death or die some other way in one year by 2056.

By: jojo Sat, 22 Jan 2011 18:35:24 +0000 “safeties”?

By: carriemann Sat, 22 Jan 2011 09:54:03 +0000 Let us take an example of Texas. The “Wise Health Insurance” is quite popular in Arizona. It provides so many offers for the low income people.
