Comments on: The True Cost of Ignoring Nonhumans Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:47:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: robomoon Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:47:13 +0000 So what will happen then? Will the big power companies do something more due to this Declaration of Rights than shrugging shoulders?

Could a part of the Gulf become an oceanic wildlife preservation park then? But when other parts of the Gulf remain open for business producing dirty pollution, the poluted water flows in anyways.

Perhaps the business leaders should start reading something more from some of those “other forms of life” surrounding them in public social networks of Web 2.0. This “other forms of life” even include non-academic partially retarded humans as far as they have something to write in connection with new technologies causing drastic environmental changes and their possible risks. One of these life forms called robomoon (that’s me) already wrote this to comment about BioPreserver.

There were also my comments regarding overpopulation in and former blog messages. Part of the theory is that human expansion causes a shrinking mammalian wildlife in the oceans.

So it’s solar updraft towers I suggested at first. What should I say, I guess nobody even took away the pride to look what’s behind my suggestion. Nobody! Now hurry up to check it out get nuke when oil is empty.
