Comments on: Reflections on Avatar Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 22 Mar 2010 08:19:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: 2bsirius Mon, 22 Mar 2010 08:19:48 +0000 I would have thought that Kurzweil would have commented in more depth on the transference of consciousness into the avatar, and discussed more the implications of that. But instead he focuses mostly on the exoskeleton robots. I agreed that the plot line was derivative and predictable, but I would have liked him to flesh out [no pun intended] the role of consciousness in the film, which personally I thought was the ONLY intriguing element in Avatar.

By: Danila Thu, 11 Mar 2010 20:47:23 +0000 What’s you point,ABCD?

Of course it’s just a movie. The Birth of a Nation is also just a movie.

By: Naviblue Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:01:18 +0000 We’ll be watching the Oscars at Avatar fan site and chatting about it live in the chatroom. Join us during the broadcast!

By: ABCD Sun, 07 Mar 2010 06:53:39 +0000 And Avatar is the most important contribution to the well being of the human race that has ever been presented to mankind. So important is Avatar, that everything MUST be taken as ABSOLUTE TRUTH. This film MUST be ripped apart because it will brainwash every single life form on the earth! Run for your lives!!!! This movie will comsume the planet by Dec 21st 2012!!! It must be taken literally or your head is going to explode!

Or…maybe this was a really really fun way to blow a couple hours on a Saturday night.

Stop reading into this movie so much! It’s a MOVIE!


By: Margie Sat, 06 Mar 2010 23:30:45 +0000 Thanks for the thought full review. I just saw the movie — was very pleased with the visuals. I agree with the Dances with Wolves “in space”. Yes, it was derivative of quite a few movies of note. But I thought the flying ‘dragons’ owed a lot to sci-fi writer Anne McCaffrey — especially the parts showing the hatching grounds, the creatures choosing the person and the bonding for life. But basically — I figure — so what. It is a Saturday matinee, fun-for-the-feeble-minded movie, much closer to Star Wars then 2001. Still pretty cool.….

By: BeverlyD Sat, 06 Mar 2010 23:06:22 +0000 Wow…You really watched the movie. Kudos to all the distinctions you made. I saw it last week and was going to go again tonight so that I could really see the message. I was assaulted and sensationalized by the medium and maybe this is the real draw to the movie. People are numb and they need to be shocked out of their ordinary lives. Perhaps this is the only great value to the movie. It’s so nice to see there are others awake on this planet that don’t just go along with the cultural drift. nd because it’s the money that is so honored by our nations well that is why others agree it’s AVATAR to win. Great job in writing your blog.

By: Youarestupid Sat, 06 Mar 2010 23:03:08 +0000 We do not have exoskeletens ready to be deployed. This is a horrible review. Jake does not say unobtanium is not needed any more. Also look into things. This movie is full of symbolism which you sure didn’t get.
